Mitobe x Reader

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Title: Crushes
Warning: Just so wholesome, and cute and fluffier than a fat bunny!

Whenever you passed by Mitobe, he would stop and watch you. His face would burn a bright red, which would cause Kogenai to nudge him. Kogenai knew his friend like the back of his hand, and always tried to encourage him to talk to you. Mitobe would only shake his head frantically, but always drift his eyes over to you.

Now was no exception, you were at one of their basketball games. He didn't notice until they had a timeout, and Kogenai had nudged him. He met your eyes and you flashed him a bright smile waving at him. He gave a shy wave before focusing on the meeting though he couldn't focus anymore.

"Is Mitobe okay?" Riko asked, and Kogenai nodded.

"Yeah, his crush is here..."

"His crush? Mitobe likes someone?" Izuki asked surprised. He looked at Mitobe before following his gaze to the girl in the stands, you.

"Oh, he likes (L/N)~san?"

"Yep, he has for awhile now."

"Mitobe likes my older sister?" Kuroko asked blinking and everyone quickly turned their head to him.

"Wait, she is your sister?"

"Yeah, we have different dad's though. Her mom left her dad and married mine."

"Oh, well maybe Kuroko can help you. But first we need to focus on the game, so show off for her!" Riko told Mitobe who nodded his head. He was shifting but when he looked at you, you were talking to your friend.

Once the game ended, and you cheering whenever someone cheered. You cheered harder when they won their game and you smiled widely. Your eyes met Kuroko's and he motioned you down and you tilted your head slightly.

"Kuroko what are you doing?" Kagami asked wiping his sweat off of his brow.

"Getting my sister, Riko wants me to tell her to come down."

You nodded your head and turned to your friend who was packing her stuff to leave.

"My brother wants me, text me when you get home okay?"

"Alright, bye!"

You nodded and went down to the court but not before being stopped by Akashi who gave you a hug. You gave him a hug back before flashing him a smile.

"It's good to see you again (L/N) senpai."

"It's good to see you too, hopefully after basketball ends you guys can all come over!" You said and Akashi nodded his head.

"If Kuroko would be okay with that, I am sure the other's wouldn't."

"Onee-chan, can you please come here?" Kuroko asked walking over to you, before he looked at Akashi and nodded his head.

"The brother is calling, it was good seeing you Kashi~" you called him by his nickname you gave him. He smiled and nodded and you made your way to your brother.

"What is it puppy?" You asked, and everyone snickered at the nickname. He ignored their laughing and was about to say something before you were being picked up by an unknown force.

"(Y/N)chin~ do you have snacks?" 

Scratch that, you knew of the unknown force. Murasakibara.

"Aren't you about to play? Shouldn't you guys be getting off of the court?" You directed your attention to your brother and they nodded.

"We are, can I have my sister back?"

"Hmm no, she is mine..."

"Wait wha~"

"That makes no sense, she is my sister.." Kuroko said and everyone was sweat dropping. Murasakibara and Kuroko both had a stare down, and you looked around in hopes of getting some help. That was when your eyes met Mitobe's eyes and he blushed and you mouthed 'help' to him. He looked around before at you before nodding.


"No, she is mine."


"Impossible, she is my sister."

"She is mi~hey..." Mitobe grabbed you gently from Murasakibara and set you down.

"Thank you, for your help," you said. Mitobe nodded his head and looked down, before backing away from you. Unfortunately, Kogenai pushed Mitobe back towards you. He stumbled a bit, and you blinked as he caught himself.

"Are you okay?" He nodded his head slightly, moving his hands around. He was nervous and you could tell just by his posture.

"Okay guys, we gotta go," Riko said leading them off of the court.

"(Y/N)chin, bring me snacks."

"No, you don't need it." The coach of his team said and he puffed his cheeks out. You laughed softly, and fell in step with the other team.

"Anyway, Kuroko why did you want me to come down?" Kuroko blinked and pointed to Mitobe, whose eyes widen. You glanced at Mitobe and he was waving his hands in front of him, panicking.

"He wanted to get closer to you, so Riko said I could help him."


"Kuroko has no filter, shouldn't be surprised though," Furihata said, laughing softly. You turned to Mitobe and he refused to meet your eyes. So you tilted your head under his so he could meet your eyes.

"You wanted to get closer to me? You could have just asked? I never turn down a friend..." Mitobe turned his head away.

"I think he likes you romantically," Kuroko said. Mitobe's head snapped towards Kuroko who was now pushed into the locker room. Everyone went in but locked Mitobe out. He tried to get in, not wanting to continue any conversation.

You noticed he was super nervous and shy, so you placed your hand on his shoulder. He slowly turned to you, and you flashed him a kind smile.

"Mitobe, is that true?"

He slowly nodded his head, his cheeks warming up more. You stood on your tippy toes and pressed a small kiss to his cheek. You smiled slightly as you pulled away and he looked at you surprised. He pointed to your heart, before pointing to his and you nodded.

"Yeah, I like you too. A lot, honestly my brother isn't the only reason I go to these games," you looked away with a blush and he perked up with a smile, "You are too."

Mitobe cupped your cheeks and pressed his lips gently to yours and you sighed softly against his lips with a smile. You hugged his neck, returning the kiss before the door opened. You both jumped back and the basketball team was smirking. You both blushed but he took a hold of your hand and you smiled.

"So are you two dating?" Kiyoshi asked and Mitobe looked at you and you smiled nodding your head.

"Yeah, we are."

Mitobe pulled you to his side with a shy smile unable to stop hugging you.

Kuroko's Basketball *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now