Kise x Reader

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Title: Annoyance
No Warning

You walked to the gym with the application in hand, you had every intention of becoming the manager of the basketball team. Since you couldn't play basketball due to a temporary injury this was as close to it as you could get. A part of you were nervous since this was also your first day of classes, it surprisingly went well. You made quite a few friends and the teachers enjoyed having you in class.

Once you got to the gym you opened the steel doors and walked in, you didn't mean to but those doors were heavy. They ended up slamming shut behind you causing all eyes fell on you. You could have sworn you heard some groans but you weren't sure why. A guy began to walk up to you and he was sweating, you assumed it was from practice but you realized that wasn't the case as soon as he spoke.

"C-Can I help y-you?"

"Yeah, my name is (L/N) (Y/N). I am looking to become the manager..." Everyone looked at each other as the coach came up to you.

"What is your reason?"

"Uh, I have a knee injury and can't actually play until I have surgery so this is the next best thing."

"So it's not for Kise?" The guy from earlier asked and you blinked a couple times

"Kise~ wait you mean the pretty boy.... model guy...."

"(Y/N)~Chi~" Your eyes widen as you ducked when you were suddenly attacked.

"Oh fuck it is. On second thoughts I revoke my request." You said before trying to rush out but Kise was stronger pulling you back.


"NO! IF I HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOUR ASS I RATHER GET HIT BY A TRAIN!" You kicked him hard in the stomach which made him double over.

"You kick harder than Kasamatsu senpai~" He whined and you growled, your once timid nature turned cold.

"Hey Captain, I think you got the answer to your question. I don't think she is here for Kise..." One laughed loudly and you blinked and he sighed softly.

"I accept your application we need a manager."

"No, I said I revoke it."


"Shut up idiot."

"(Y/N)chii is so mean to me..."

"I am not even sorry." You glared but your eyes soften when a hand was placed on your shoulder.

"W-We could use someone to h-help keep him in check. I get tired of disciplining him," he stuttered and you sighed softly with a wide smile.

"Fine, but only because it's basketball. Kise, if you do not let me go I swear they will be losing a basketball player..."


"No..." Kise let go with a pout and you groaned slightly.

"Takeuchi the coach, it will be great to have some help." You shook his hand and they began practice again. You didn't need to be told what to do and just did most of the things that needed to be done. Even taking notes while the coach focused on practice. You decided to refill the water bottles and once you left everyone turned to Kise.

"How do you know her?"

"Well, she is also a model. We did several projects together, I have a huge crush on her. Though I am pretty sure she hates me..." Kise said despite the smile on his face they could physically hear the pain in his voice, which caused them to flinch.

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