Izuki x Reader

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Title: Puns and Love
No Warning

When Izuki met you, it was at his teammates house. Kagami was having a small get together for people to meet you since you were the new transfer student. You were a year older than Kagami, and he saw you as a sister. You both took care of each other, especially now that you both would be living together.

Izuki had a small crush on you just by looking at you but when Kagami said you and Izuki would be a match made in heaven, you corrected him.

"Don't you mean a match-a made in heaven." Everyone dead panned and Kagami face palmed. You blushed realizing what you said.

"Don't start with the puns (Y/N) we already have someone for that. They aren't even funny either." Kagami groaned, Izuki though had hearts in his eyes.

"Uh (L/N) san are you from Starbucks? Because I like you a latte.." He said and everyone began to groan. You giggled at this and decided to play along.

"This may sound cheesy, but I think you are really grate!" He smiled widely and quickly thought of another.

"If you were a fruit you would be a fine-apple."

"Oh my god, they are perfect for each other but bad for us." Riko sighed softly.

"If you were a vegetable you would be a cute cumber."

"Are you a hen? Because you are eggsactly what I am looking for." You grinned deciding to roll off what he just said.

"I consider myself an egg because I am looking to get laid." You said and he blushed ten shades redder. Kagami and everyone else's mouths dropped.

"Uh... uhm...I think we are mint to be." He was trying to recover but didn't want to stop with the puns.

"Please make them stop." Hyuga said sighing softly.

"Are you a keyboard, because you are just my type." You giggled softly and he scooted closer to you.

"Can you call a life guard? Because I am drowning in your eyes," he said holding your hand.

"I don't think they are gonna stop anytime soon." Kogenai said.

"I am curious how far this will go," Kuroko stated.

"Honestly, me too," Riko grinned.

"If I was a cat I would spend all nine lives with you," you had a small blush on your cheeks after saying it.

"Are you a triangle, I think you are acutie."

"You are killing me Izuki..."

"I can't do jail time."

"You can just do time with me."

"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?"

"You know what's on the menu? Me n U." He snorted slightly and causing you to laugh.

"Excuse me I am really attracted to you, and according to Newton's Law of Gravitation, you are attracted to me to." You both were smiling widely, and Kagami face palmed.

"I think we are the perfect pear."

"The s'more I know you, the s'more I love you."

"Don't go bacon my heart."

"You got a peach of my heart."

"I think you ate barbecute."

"Olive you."

The puns continued until everyone ended up leaving or going to sleep. It was just you two now and you both ran out of random puns temporarily.

"I didn't think I would meet someone that enjoyed puns as much as me." He admitted as you both ended up relaxing on the couch.

"Me either, lets avocuddle." You grinned and he laughed wrapping his arms around you. You leaned your head on his chest, even though you both met and spent hours telling each other puns, you felt you knew each other even longer.

"I knew you were a truffle when you walked in."

"Izuki, we can stop now." You giggled slightly but he didn't.

"Did you want a Hershey kiss?"

"Sure.." You heard a wrapper and looked up to see a Hershey kiss between his lips and he leaned down to kiss you." You blushed a bright red, and gripped his shirt. He then parted leaning his forehead against yours as you both ate the Hershey.

"I love you very mochi," You said and he smiled and nuzzled your nose.

"You make Miso happy."

"Will you two shut up!" Kagami yelled from the room, and you both burst out laughing.

"Okay we should really stop," You whispered and he nodded his head.

"Will you go out with me?" He whispered back and you nodded.

"Yes, you are a keyper. Okay I am really done now," You couldn't help it, and he grinned. 

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