Aomine x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Happy Birthday
Warning: Oral, unprotected sex, public

You couldn't believe you let Aomine of all people to talk you into skipping. You knew he was attached to you like a newborn to their mother, but this was crazy. You never had time for yourself because Aomine required your attention constantly. You were just glad you were the top of your class and didn't have to worry about your grades slipping.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"It's my birthday, I want you to skip with me." He glanced back at you with that smirk and you shook your head.

"Fine, fine." You both closed the door behind you and he led you to his normal spot on the roof. You sat down leaning against the wall, hidden from view of the door and everywhere else. Aomine made himself comfortable in your lap.

"So is this really all you want for your birthday is my attention and to skip with you?" You asked and he glanced up at you shaking his head.

"Nope, I just need you to agree to agree with everything I ask."


"Not telling..."

"Then I am not agreeing." You bluntly stated and he buried his face into your pudgy stomach. You stroked his hair as he hugged your waist before looking up at you.

"Please? The requests aren't too unbearable."

"Why won't you tell me now then?"

"You will say no."

"Then it means no."

"But it's my birthday. It only comes once a year please (Y/N)?"

"Daiki, just what do you want? I will consider it if you tell me." He fell silent thinking it over before sitting up.

"I want you to kiss me."

"See now was that so~wait say what now?"

"I want you to kiss me." He repeated this time you felt your blush darken.

"I haven't even had my first kiss yet."

"That's the point I want to be your frst kiss, for my birthday." You massaged your temples before nodding your head.

"Fine, but you better make this memorable for the both of us," you stated and he nodded and laid you down. He hovered over you and placed his lips on top of yours. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck as he began to move his lips against yours. The kiss started off simple and sweet, but it soon began to get hot and steamy. He was nibbling on your bottom lip which you granted access too.

He slipped his tongue past your lips and you let a moan escape as you felt his tongue poke your own. He smirked into the kiss, and while you were distracted by the kiss he had unbutton your school shirt all the way. You didn't noticed until the wind blew and you felt it on your stoamch. Aomine soon broke the kiss and began to kiss down your jaw to your neck. He nibbled on certain places making you moan and grip his hair.

"D-Daiki ahh..." You arched your back off of the ground as he continued to trail his lips down your neck to your breasts that were covered by your bra. He pulled away completely and grinned when he saw it was the bra that snapped in the front.

"It's like you knew this would happen today and came prepared." He grinned as he unsnapped your bra and you looked away.

"I may have, because you always get your way." You mumbled and he used his large hands to massage your rather large breasts. He was so interested in your breasts he ended up leaning down to your left nipple and began to suck on it. You let out a string of moans, as you tugged on his dark blue hair. He glanced at your face seeing the pleasure you were feeling. He smirked slightly and broke from your breast and trailed his hands down your stomach. He allowed his kisses to follow the trail that his hands followed, pretty soon he was holding your thighs and gripping them.

"Damn, I love how soft your thighs and stomach are," he smirked and placed several kisses there. You pushed him away and he looked at you confused and you had a small blush.

"It's your birthday, I should be making you feel good."

"You don't have~" he trailed off as your hands were already working on his school pants. He watched as you took his cock out and you leaned your head down and leaned down to lick the tip. The small grunt, encouraged you so you engulfed him entirely. His hands instantly went to your hair pushing your head down. You gagged at first, he was really thick and long, and it took some time before you got use to sucking him.

"Fuck your mouth is so good." Daiki grunted and you swirled your tongue around his shaft. You let a small moan out sending the vibrations up his shaft. He was panting slightly, and you traced the vein along side his cock. His hands stroked your hair before he pulled on your hair. You moaned and whimpered as you enjoyed your hair being pulled. It wasn't long before he came filling your mouth. You pulled off of him and swallowed all of the juices before wiping your mouth.

"Lay back (Y/N)," he ordered and you nodded and he spread your legs pulling your panties down.

"You are gonna have to keep quiet so we don't get caught."

"Alright, just hurry. I want you." You said blushing and he positioned himself at your entrance before thrusting into you. You gasped and arched your back as you pulled him closer to you.

"Shit, sorry. I forgot you were a virgin."

"It's okay, just stop it hurts." He nodded and stopped pushing in and he began kissing you again. You were panting against his lips and focused on relaxing as he tried to ease the pain.

After a few minutes you gave him the okay to move which he did. He started thrusting into you slowly at first but soon he was pounding into your cunt. You cried out from the pleasure and balled your fists around his shirt.

He couldn't help but watch your breasts bounce with each thrust.

"Fuck so beautiful. You are mine." Daiki mumbled against your lips and you gasped as he slammed into you knocking the air out of your system.

"Daiki ahh.... so close..." You moaned out and it wasn't long before the sound of skin slapping.

"I am too..." He moaned lowly in your ear, and after a few more thrusts you soon came hard drenching him. You tightened, and he pulled out cumming on your stomach. You both were panting and he stayed on top of you before cleaning your stomach up. He then laid on top of you burying his face in your chest. You began to stroke his hair and he placed multiple kisses on your chest.

"Happy Birthday Daiki."

"Mmm thank you love."


"I love you, you do love me too right?" He glanced at you tiredly and you nodded your head.

"I do love you..."

"Then you are my girlfriend..."

"Fine, but we need to make ourselves look decent before we are caught."

"Fine..." He rolled off of you and you both fixed your clothes and your hair. You sat against the wall again and he laid on your lap.

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