What They Do When You Hold Your Hand Out: Part 1

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He stares at your hand confused at first after drinking from his water bottle

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He stares at your hand confused at first after drinking from his water bottle. He put the water bottle in your hand. When you don't put the bottle down, he looks around before giving you his phone. "Is that what you want? I don't have anything to hide from you love." He furrows his eyebrows when you don't accept his phone either. He thinks for a moment, before putting his entire wallet in your hand. "You must want something, get whatever you want. There is no budget love. Just be back before practice ends so we can go out to dinner. The pin to the card is your birthday." He leaves and heads back to practice. You can't help but smile and set his wallet down.

He looks at you unamused before slapping your hand

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He looks at you unamused before slapping your hand. When you keep your hand out, he looks around before before leaning over your hand. He places a small kiss to the palm of your hand. You fight back a smile but keep it out before he sighs slightly irritated. "What the hell do you want stupid?" He see a smirk on his face and you wonder what's going through his mind. "I get it now... could have said something. I could have ended practice early." He grabs your hand, and places in front of his shorts on top of his imprint. He laughs loudly when you retract your hand and hold it to your chest with a blush."Idiot..." you mumbled.

He places the basketball in your hand, when you hold your hand out

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He places the basketball in your hand, when you hold your hand out. You let the ball fall keeping your hand out and he blinked. He looks at his burgers before placing one of them in your hand. He frown slightly tilting his head, before giving you another burger.He soon adds his fries and shake to the burgers that are now in front of you. "(Y/N)? Are you going to be able to eat all of that?" His face lights up suddenly and digs in his bag before opening a box. He puts a ring on your finger with a blush and a cheeky smile. "Marry me after High school?" "TAIGA!" Your eyes widen and looked at the ring and he had a bright smile."Taking that as a yes."

He just places a condom and a porn magazine in your hand

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He just places a condom and a porn magazine in your hand."I knew you wanted to try somethings, let's skip practice now." He leaves you as you stare at your hand with a blush before chasing after him yelling.

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