Little! Kagami x Older! Sister Reader

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Title: Best Sister
No warning

You were sitting on the couch reading a book, when your younger brother came up to you. He climbed into your lap and laid against you gently. You looked down and tilted your head as he looked up at you curiously.

"What's wrong Taiga?" He shook his head and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.

"Are you sure?" He nodded his head and buried his face in your stomach. You set your book down and hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head which caused him to smile.

"Want to play?" He once again shook his head before getting on his knees and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose.

"I love you..."

"I love you too..." You mimicked him, and he smiled widely before nuzzling you.

"Taiga, (Y/N)..."

"Yes mom?" You asked as she came into the room, and Taiga looked over and smiled. She held up a basketball and you smiled widely.

"Thanks mom..."

"I want to play..."

"Really?" You looked at your brother and he nodded.

"Lets get on the court then." You picked him up, and he giggled softly.

"Do you think you can do it?"

"Yeah! If chu teach me!" You cooed at the small boy and nuzzled his chubby cheek.

You guys went onto the court and gave him the ball, which was bigger than him. He dropped the ball and couldn't help but squeal at the cuteness. You took pictures as he tossed the ball giggling and you shook your head.

"He is just so precious."

"He is, his love for basketball will be the same as yours. I can see it now," Your mother said and you looked at her.


"Sissy come play..."

"Coming..." You gave your mom your phone and went to play with Taiga. He tossed the ball to you and you smiled.

"Want to see something really cool."

"YEAH!" You began to dribble the ball really fast and between your legs, behind your back, and Taiga laughed and clapped.

"So cool! I want to learn!"

"When you are a little bit older I will teach you okay?"

"Okay!" You smiled and shot a 3 pointer, with Kagami watching you with wide eyes.

"Sis is so cool."

"She is, you are lucky to have her as a sister." Your mother said.

"Yeah the luckiest person in the world! My sis is better than everyone's." You blushed at your brother's words and rubbed your neck.

"Oh shucks, you are embarrassing me Taiga..."

"Sis, are you mad at me?"

"Ehh??? Why?"

"You don't call me tiger anymore but my first name," he pouted tearing up.

"You haven't called me it all day." He whimpered and your eyes widen.

"OH NO! Don't cry!" You picked him up and showered his chubby face in kisses.

"You are my little tiger! I am sorry, I didn't know you liked the nickname so much."

"Yeah, you are the only one who calls me it! I want you to call me Tiger even when I am big like you, mom and dad."

"You got it Tiger, I will never not call you that again."

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