Mitobe Rinnosuke x Reader

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Title: Silent Love
No Warning

Mitobe kept his eyes on you as you spoke with your best friend Kagami. You were a second year that got transferred, apparently you and Kagami went way far back. Mitobe wanted to speak to you, but with him being mute he knew it wouldn't work. He didn't even know if you noticed him which caused to feel a little down. Kogenai noticed this and nudged him a bit, causing the silent male to look at him.

"Are you okay?" Mitobe nodded his head before his eyes trailed over to you. Kogenai followed his gaze.

"Oh, so you have your eyes set on (L/N)?" Mitobe nodded his head again with a faint blush. Mitobe nudged Kogenai wanting him to translate for him and Kogenai nodded. You felt eyes on you as you spoke with Kagami, so you looked around for the culprit. That's when you and Mitobe locked eyes, he quickly turned his head.

"Oh no you don't," Kogenai said, knowing exactly what his friend was thinking.

"You are gonna speak to her." Mitobe shook his head, but Kogenai dragged him towards you. You raised an eyebrow as Mitobe tried to fight off Kogenai. Kagami looked at you confused before turning his head to see the fiasco occur.

"What are you doing Kogenai senpai?" Kagami asked, and Kogenai grinned. Mitobe shook his head, trying to tell his friend to stop.

"Mitobe wanted t~mmf~" Kogenai's mouth was covered by Mitobe's hand, and you and Kagami sweatdropped. Mitobe bowed his head with a faint blush and pulled Kogenai away, you turned to Kagami as he did the same.

"That was weird..."

"Yeah, you get used to it," He said and you turned back to see Kogenai arguing but Mitobe was silent.

"He is kinda...cute though..."

"Who? Kogenai?"

"Which one is that?"

"The one that looks like a cat..."

"No the other one, the silent one..."

"Oh Mitobe... wait really?"

"Yeah, he is really adorable," You said with a small smile and glanced back at the male. He glanced away from you when you guys made eye contact.

"(L/N) Mitobe wants to speak with you!" Kogenai said fighting off Mitobe's hands that were trying to cover his mouth. You blushed slightly and Kagami pushed you towards the pair.

"Don't leave me by myself. Come with me," you said and Kagami sighed softly, but followed close behind.

"You wanted to speak with me?" You asked and Mitobe shot Kogenai a glare but slowly nodded.

"Uhm, hi," you said you went from being outgoing to awkward and shy in only a few seconds.

"Introduce yourself dufus." Kagami said and you slapped him upside his head.

"Shut it."

"(Y/N) (L/N)..."

"The other way around." Kagami corrected but Mitobe held his hand up as if to tell you to stop.

"He said it's fine, he understands." Kogenai replaced Mitobe.

"Thanks..." You said, before thinking.

"Uhm Mitobe right?" He nodded his head and you put your hands behind your back. He suddenly pointed between the two of you.

"He wants to know if you want to hang out with him alone." You met his eyes, and he had his eyes on the ground.

"I would love to, Mitobe..." He quickly looked up at you with a small blush but smiled nodding.He pointed down and you blinked and looked at Kogenai.

"He said how about today?"

"Sure, I am not doing anything else."

"What am I? Chop liver?" Kagami asked and you looked at him nodding your head.

"Exactly what you are..." You said and Mitobe smiled and Kogenai snickered at Kagami.

"Geez, thanks (Y/N)..."

"Welcome." You said and Mitobe looked at Kogenai.

"What? You want me to stay?" Kogenai pouted and Mitobe nodded his head.

"How will you guys communicate?" Mitobe's shoulders slumped slightly but you smiled.

"Paper and pencil duh..." You said wanting to spend some alone time with Mitobe, he forgot that was an option. He smiled at you and you smiled back before looking back at Mitobe.

"Fine, fine... I will stay." Mitobe held a finger up to you, so he could change and ran off to the changing room. You had a wide smile on your face and Kagami glanced at you shaking his head.

"Here is the spare key... I am gonna go out on a limb here and say you guys may be out late." Kagami said, shaking his head.

"I am fine with that honestly." You said tucking the key in your purse and Kagami took your book bag from you. Mitobe came up to you and motioned you to come after taking his notebook and pen out. You fell in step with him as you both left the gym, and you had your hands behind your back. Mitobe looked down at the ground before writing on the notepad.

"How are you holding up with transferring?" He showed you the paper and you smiled.

"It's going okay, I am still struggling with my Japanese, it's mainly the honorifics though." He nodded in understanding before scribbling on the paper again.

"I think your Japanese is really good."

"Oh thank you so much." You said and he nodded before patting his stomach and pointed to you. He didn't want to right everything down and figured basic things you would understand.

"Mm kinda, I can go for a snack. Ice cream?" You asked and he nodded with a smile, he nervously took your hand in his gently. His hands were really soft, surprisingly, and you looked up at him. He realized he was holding his hands and blushed letting go. He bowed his head, but you quickly grabbed his hand again.

"It's okay, I don't mind." You encouraged and he relaxed, lacing his fingers with yours. You fell quiet and he looked ahead. A million thoughts were flooding his mind and he looked down at you. You felt his gaze and looked up at him and he smiled slightly before letting your hand go, and he scribbled on a notepad.

"You are very pretty." He didn't meet your eyes as he showed you the notebook.

"Thank you, you are very handsome." You said also looking away, he quickly leaned down and kissed your cheek before straightening up. Your eyes widened and he glanced down and you bit your lip.

"You... you missed Mitobe..." You said and he tilted his head, you stood up on your tippy toes and pressed a small kiss to his lips. He froze but took your smaller hand into his own and dropped his notebook before cupping your cheek with his other. You both parted slightly and looked at each other with blushed and he smiled nudging his nose with yours. You sighed softly before smiling widely.

"I am glad Kagami made me come to your guy's practice. I know we've been in the same class, and I've been here a month but yeah..." You said and he nodded with a smile. He pointed to you and then him and you smiled.

"I would love to go out with you." You said and he nodded before pointing to the building. You saw the ice parlor and nodded. He let you go and picked up his notebook before taking your hand in his again. 

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