Murasakibara x Reader

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Title: Pocky
No Warning

Murasakibara had trapped you in the classroom, and towered over you. You were shaking slightly, as he stared down at you with his tired eyes.

"(Y/N) chin~"

"U-Um, hi Murasakibara..." You stumbled over your words and he placed a hand on your desk. Since your seat was by the window, he blocked the only exit there was.

"H-How can I help you?"

"You always have the best snacks..."


"Do you have any snacks (Y/N)chin? Don't keep them for yourself." He said leaning his face closer and your face turned even redder.

"I-I don't have any today..." He suddenly glanced down at your hand then back at you. You realized he wanted what was in your hand. It was the last pocky stick you had too. You shyly held it up to him, and he took it between his lips, before nudging your bottom lip with it. You flushed slightly and attempted to back away but he only came closer. You looked at him confused and he kept his eyes on you.

"Come on (Y/N)chin..."

"Wha~" He used that chance to place the end of the pocky in your mouth and you couldn't help but stare in shock. You didn't realize he wanted you to play pocky time. He began nibbling on the pocky. You slowly started after him, drawing your faces closer. Noticing this, you stopped instantly but he kept it going It was only a matter of seconds before his lips were on yours. He took the rest of the pocky from your lips and continued to kiss you. Your heart rate increased and you felt light headed. You gripped his school uniform, unable to kiss back. After a few minutes he pulled away and nodded.

"You do have the best snacks. I was right (Y/N)chin..."

"What was that for?" You asked, hiding your face and he looked at you shrugging slightly.

"I like snacks, and I like you. You taste just as sweet as candy, I like it a lot."

"You can't just say things like that idiot." You hid your face in your hands but he removed your hands from your face.

"Yes I can, because it's true. I think (Y/N)chin should go out with me."

"A-Alright, if you want to."

"I do.." You smiled faintly at your new acquired boyfriend.

"Uh Murasakibara don't you have basketball practice?"

"I am skipping. Let's go to the candy store... We are dating. Call me Atsushi."

"Okay then..." You said with a smile and he grabbed your book bag with one hand, and your hand in his other.

"Won't you get into trouble for skipping."

"I don't care." He said and you only shook your head, looking up at him.

"How long have you liked me?" You asked curiously and he met your (e/c) eyes.

"Since middle school."

"Wait what? You noticed me in middle school?"

"Yeah, you always got a way before I could talk to you. It was annoying." He admitted and you blushed but smiled.

"Sorry you just...scared me."

"Eh? How?"

"You were so tall, and intimidating then."

"I am still tall."

"And still intimidating..."

"You are scared of me?" He asked and you noticed the hurt in his voice.

"No, not anymore. I assume you won't do anything to hurt or harm me since we are dating. At least I hope not..."

"Never..." He shook his head and went into the store. He bought tons of snacks without even bothering to look at the price, especially if they were on sale. It was like he had the prices memorized. You waited patiently, and he turned to look at you with a tilted head.

"Are you going to grab something?"


"Snacks, don't you want some snacks? I will pay..."

"Oh, no. I am fine," He stared at you then the snacks in his arms.

"I guess I can share it with you..." He mumbled to himself and you looked at him confused. He then grabbed several boxes of pocky before looking at you, with a small grin. You knew what he was thinking and you turned your head to the side. He knew how to embarrass you and you didn't like it. Once he was done he paid for everything and walked out the store with you by his side.

"(Y/N)chin, let's go to your house."

"Hmm okay, my parents aren't home. So it should be okay," you said and led him to your home, luckily it wasn't a far walk from the store he got his sweets from. Once you arrived you unlocked the door and walked in removing your shoes. You led the tall basketball player to your room, and you flopped on the bed closing your eyes. The comfort of your bed made you sigh in content. You felt the dip in the bed and heard the snacks be placed on the bed beside you. You opened your eyes and looked over at him, and he was opening the pocky. He offered you one and you were about to take it but he moved it out of your grasp and placed it between his lips.

"It tastes better like this."

"But..." He gave you a gentle yet pleading look, that only you would be able to distinguish from his normal look.

"Fine." You caved and took the pocky between your lips. It took him two bites before he was kissing you again. You gently touched his cheeks and slowly began to kiss him back, and he licked your bottom lip. You let a sigh escape past your lips with a small smile, as he parted. He suddenly laid his head on your stomach with a smile as he munched on several snacks not saying anything. 

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