Little!Aomine x Older! Sister Reader

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Title: Don't Forget Me
No Warning: Just cuteness overload

"Daiki, you have to let go."




"Mom, dad can't you guys do anything?"


"Daiki, (Y/N) has to leave for university."

"NO I don't want her too!"

"Why not?"

"You will forget about me!" He began to tear up and you covered your mouth.

"Oh my little gummy bear. I would never forget about you. How can I? I have the worlds cutest little brother." You said as he was tearing up and sobbed slightly. You opened your arms, and he ran into them, hugging you tightly.


"I promise, in fact here." You gave him your basketball and he held it in his very tiny hands.

"Whenever you play basketball, I will be right there with you. You won't see me, but I will be the sun rays shining down, the wind that ruffles your hair. Okay?" He continued to sniffle and nodded his head.

"I will be the best basketball player ever! So you can always be with me. I will be just like you! King of the court, and you will be the queen."

"Uh oh, looks like everyone better beware of the Aomine siblings." Your father said causing you to laugh and ruffle his hair.

"I love you mom, dad, gummy bear. I will call often and visit when I can. Gummy bear, you got to be a big boy and not cry when I leave okay?"

"O-Okay..." He sniffled trying not to cry, as you left to get on the plane. When it took off he couldn't help it, and began to cry his eyes out.

~time skip~

That was six years ago, and you were finally done with university. You got off the plane, you weren't expecting your family to come pick you up because they had work. Plus, your arrival was a surprise for them and your little gummy bear. You smiled remembering standing in this very airport leaving, and he was balling his eyes out.

"I wonder if he actually became any good." You hummed to yourself, you glanced at a poster on the wall and saw there was a basketball finals today. That's when you saw a familiar name Aomine Daiki.

"So the cry baby is known as a former generation of miracles? I could still kick his ass anytime of day." You mumbled to yourself deciding to head straight there. You had made it just in time to see the game start.

"Phew almost missed it." You were panting and sat down in an empty seat. A guy with short black hair stared at you confused but ignored you.

"Whoa she is seriously cute." Pop.... you heard him pop his gum and you rolled your eyes.

"Do you have a boyfriend."


"Be m~"
"I am 24 years old. You are my brother's age please back off disrespectfully." Was all you said and several of them had snickered. The game started and you were impressed, though you realized he wasn't the same kid you knew.

"Tsk this idiot, the hell is he talking about 'Only person that can beat me is me.' I may have to crush him after this game." You mumbled and leaned against your hand and crossed your leg over the other. You could feel other people's eyes on you.

"Doesn't she look familiar?"

"Yeah, like that female basketball player from six years ago. Uh what is her name whom she looks like."

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