Kasamatsu x Reader

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Title: Awkward Confessions
No Warning

Kasamatsu  watched you from afar, you had captured his attention a few weeks ago.  You probably didn't notice that you had attracted Kasamatsu but he  couldn't help it. You both had so much in common, from you being able to  play guitar, love of knee high socks, and both being semi quiet. When  he first met you, it was through Kise, in which Kise was flirting with  you. You had hit him in his head with your note book and rolled your  eyes. You instantly rejected Kise, which surprised Kasamatsu since no  girl ever rejected him.

Ever since that day he tried to talk to  you but instead of walking up to you, he would walk past you. Sweating  bullets and hardly able to form sentences when he was around you. Today  though, he was going to force himself to talk to you. Even if he made  himself to look like an idiot in front of you. He took several deep  breaths before walking over to you.

You didn't notice him walking  towards you because you were focused on playing your guitar. You were  writing a song, about your feelings that you had for a certain  basketball player. He made your heart beat out of your chest when you  caught him looking at you. You found Kasamatsu to be so cute especially  with how shy he got when looked away blushing.

Kasamatsu stopped  once he was close enough but didn't want to interrupt your playing. The  sound was beautiful and he could tell you would putting your feelings  into it. He watched as you nodded your head mouthing the words quietly.  His eyes trailed over you and he couldn't help but fight the blush. The  way your hair was tied back, the way the sun made you shine even  brighter.

"You are so beautiful..." He meant to say it in his head,  he really did. But the way your head shot up to him, and a blush covered  your face he knew he did not.

"C-Crap, I-I am s-sorry. I d-didn't  m-mean it. No wait that came out wrong, I mean you are I just you..." He  fell quiet once he heard you giggling non stop at his frantic flailing.  He watched as you laughed and his face was even more red if possible.

"Kasamatsu  senpai, don't scare me like that. But no need to apologize, I think you  are beautiful too." You stuck your tongue out and he blushed a dark  red.

"Anyway, how can I help you?" You tilted your head, and the  little confidence he had disappeared so he remained quiet before rubbing  his neck.

"I-I wanted to~uhm, who is the song about?" He fell  quiet unable to confess and you look at your guitar. It was your turn to  blush but not as dark as him.

"You heard?"

"A little bit here and there. It's really pretty."

"Want me to be honest?"

"Sure?" It was more of a question and you patted the bench beside you.

"It's about a person I really like..."

"Oh... Do I know them?" He asked not sure if he wanted to hear.

"You know him really well..."


"Ew no..." You smacked his head for even suggesting that, but he held his head slightly.

"Owe... who?"


"Oh..." His shoulders slumped but then his head snapped up to meet your eyes.

"Wait.... me?" Once again you started laughing awkwardly.

"I  understand if I am not the type of girl you like. I just, thought you  were really cute. Plus you are really nice, and smart too,"

"N-No,  I do like you... a lot. I-I h-had every intention confessing but then I  made an idiot of myself like I always do an~" you cut him off placing  your lips on top of his. Kasamatsu's and your face both turned red but  he gently cupped your cheeks slightly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked against your lips and you nodded with a smile.

"Of course."

"Can I hear the full song?" He pulled away and you nodded with a smile.

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