Hanamiya x Reader

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Title: Break You 
No Warning

It was no secret that the Kirisaki Daiichi basketball team was the most feared. From other schools and even in the school itself. Everyone stayed far away from the basketball team, not wanting to become a victim of their captain. That included you, you stayed far away from them, hoping you never caught any of their attention. You already didn't have many friends because you were shy and anti-social.

Little did you know, you did catch someone's attention. It was the very person everyone was scared of. Hanamiya Makoto. Every time that he passed you in the hall, his eyes would follow you. When you answered questions in class, you would have his full attention. Typically he liked stupid girls, girls who would put up with his attitude and personality. But you were anything but stupid, your IQ rivaled his own making you one of the smartest in the grade, even the school.

Maybe it was because you kept to yourself and he found that you would be easier to manipulate you since you didn't have friends. Or maybe he liked you because you were so pure and innocent, and looked so soft. Perfect for absolutely ruining you. Either way, he needed to find a way to get close to you, he found that part hard. Since you avoided him and the rest of the team, except Hara. Hara was the only person you would talk to, because even though he flirted with you, he didn't show any ill-will. Though the thought of Hara flirting with you irked him more than it should have.

"Captain, you have that weird look on your face. The one where you are scheming something up, and it only means trouble," Hara said. He popped his bubble as he leaned against the tree while the rest of the team was sitting in a circle.

"Shut up, I am not doing anything."

"Are you sure? You have been staring at (L/N)~san."

Hanamiya shot a glare to Hara, who only put his hands up. The rest of the basketball team were already invested in the conversation. They glanced at Hanamiya, then at you who was sitting at a bench listening to music. It looked like you were reading something or doing homework.

"Wait does he have a crush on her? I heard she was really smart," Yamazaki asked. Hara smirked as he shot the youngest player a glare. Yamazaki ended up just eating his lunch and falling silent, not wanting to anger Hanamiya anymore.

"Just admit it, you are interested in her. Go talk to her, she wouldn't even sense you coming until it's too late," Hara said. Hara shook his head slightly as Hanamiya continued to scheme his way into your life.

After a few minutes, he finally developed a plan and got up grabbing his bag. His team watched him leave before going back to their individual conversations and some even leaving.

Hanamiya made his way, and once he was close to you he tapped your shoulder. You turned your head and looked at him, your eyes widening slightly. Still, you took your headphones out and looked at him.


"I was wondering if you wanted to be partners on the upcoming project."

"I- already have a partner," you looked down. Hanamiya knew that wasn't the truth because he had his eyes on you the entire time.

"No you don't, plus eventually the teachers are going to assign us because we will be the only ones. So might as well become my partner before the teacher makes us."

"No, it's okay," you said. Hanamiya felt his patience run thin, and you could tell so you began to gather your stuff. He quickly placed his hand down on your books, your head snapped to him. He had a smirk on his face and leaned really close to your face. You felt your cheeks heat up, and you shuddered when he whispered.

"I am not really asking, I am telling you. You are my partner for this project, so let's go work on it."

He pulled back grabbing your bag, and placed the stuff in there before waiting for you. Your eyes met Hara's almost pleading him to help you. Though Hanamiya grabbed your wrist and pulled you long. That made you stumble slightly as he pulled you along.

"Stop, you are hurting my wrist, Hanamiya." 



"Call me Makoto."

"We aren't close enough to be on first name bases, and again you are hurting me so let go." 

Hanamiya let go of your wrist and shot you a look before pinning you to a wall. Your eyes widened as he had caged you against the wall. 


"What is my name?"


"Better," he said. He brushed his lips against yours slightly with a smirk. He grabbed your hand and led you to his house, so the both of you could work on the project.

"I am going to have fun breaking you."

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