Okamura x Reader

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Title: Valentine's Day
No Warning

Okamura stared at you, surprised; he couldn't believe such a cute, and outgoing girl like you liked him. He looked around, confused to make sure you talked to him, before slowly taking your letter. You smiled widely when he took it and bowed slightly to him.
"I hope you accept my confession Okamura~san."
"Is this a joke? Are you messing with me?" You quickly looked up at him, and he looked confused and hurt.
"I am sorry~?" You tilted your head confused, and he looked around again. He was expecting to see a camera or his team hiding somewhere laughing.
"I don't think I understand Okamura~san."
"Did my team put you up to this?"
"What are you talking about? Of course not; I am coming to you of my own free will."
"I am sorry, I find it hard that someone so pretty, so popular, and so smart like me."
"So... that's a no?" You asked; still confused, you bit your lip. Okamura glanced around again before at you, then at the letter.
"No, it's not. I just... I-"
You suddenly pulled his tie downward, bringing his head down to your height. You pressed your lips to his shyly. You aren't sure exactly where the confidence came from, but you were desperate for him to know that you were serious.
Okamura was confused and shocked, but it only lasted a few moments before he wrapped his arms around your waist. You both parted after a few moments, only leaving a few centimeters between your lips.
"Please accept me. I like you so much."
"I should be begging you to be serious. If you are, of course, I accept your feelings," he said. You looked up to meet his eyes, and he stared at you. He felt his heart fill with warmth as he realized that you meant every word you said.
"Of course, I am serious. I don't have the heart to be mean like that. I have feelings for you; I have since the beginning of last year. I was just too nervous about confessing," you admitted. You felt a blush rise your cheeks, and the gravity of the situation fell on you. You had kissed him without asking. You went to pull away quickly, but he held your body close to his.
"Be my girlfriend, please. I accept your feelings!"
You laughed softly as he picked you up, and you held him tightly so you didn't fall.
"Alright, alright. Place me down before I fall."
"I won't let you fall," he said. Holding you to him and you shook your head, looking up. You could see the happiness on his face, and you couldn't help but cup his face and place your lips against his gently.
"Do you have basketball today?" You asked as he finally set you down, and he shook his head.
"The coach gave us the day off because of Valentine's Day, and she had plans."
"I see; well, maybe we can make plans too?" You asked, shifting, and he held your hand in his.
"Yeah, I want to show you off to my team too." He said, gently pulling you along. Words couldn't explain how happy Okamura was as he proudly walked through the hallways. Everyone stopped and stared confused, and you couldn't help but laugh softly. Once he got to his group of friends, they looked at you than him.
"Don't tell us, you forced her to be your Valentine Okamura," Fukui asked. Several of them were about to protect you, but you clung to Okamura.
"Of course, I didn't force her. She confessed on her own, and we are now dating," he said in a smug tone. Everyone looked at you, expecting you to call him a liar, scream for help, and fight him off. Instead, you leaned up and kissed his cheek, and stepped closer to him. Despite being popular, you were still pretty shy around people you weren't close with.
"Are you serious? Someone as cute as her? Confessed to a big oaf like you? That has to be a mistake. I don't believe it." Fukui said, and everyone slowly nodded their heads. "Be honest, he threatened you, didn't he?" Liu asked. You shook your head and grabbed the letter from Okamura.
"I wrote him a letter; I am the one who confessed." Your cheeks heated up even more.
"So that is why you rejected me; you had your eyes on someone else. Makes sense now," Himuro mumbled to himself. Okamura blinked several times before looking down at you.
"You rejected Himuro?"
"Uh, yeah. C-Can we go now? This is embarrassing. I wanted to do something for Valentine's Day."
"Right, let's go." Okamura had a new sense of pride fill him. He led you away from his teammates, and Himuro only smiled.
"Doesn't that bother you? That she chose Okamura over you? How are you so calm about it?" Fukui asked.
"I think it's a cute couple, honestly. As long as she is happy, that's all that matters." "Wow, a romantic." Fukui rolled his eyes.Okamura felt warmth fill him again as you laced your fingers with his. He placed a small kiss on your hand, and you looked up at him, confused.
"I promise you won't regret your decision choosing me."
"I know I won't... after all, you are my first love Okamura~san."
"Please call me Kenichi."
"Okay, then call me (Y/N)."

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