Seto Kentaro x Reader

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Title: Gentle
No Warning

Seto never made his advances too noticeable for multiple reasons. He didn't know how you would react, teasing from his team, and he didn't want anyone to target you. So he would simply just talk to you if you started the conversation, or casually touch you gently. Whether if he was holding the classroom door for you, and he would gently place his hand on the lower part of your back to usher you out. Catch you if you tripped because you were really clumsy, or brush his hands over yours.

Nothing that was too flashy, and it was just simple gestures that you wouldn't take as anything but him being kind. Truth was though, he was in love with you and he really wanted to call you his. He kept his typically tired face, when it was time for group projects. You were the only one who didn't mind, though he did help you. He refused to let you do all of the work, because he didn't want you to think bad of him. Despite the rough play during basketball, which he hoped you didn't know about.

Currently, you were in a rush because principal wanted to talk to you. So you ran past Seto, but like usual when you moved to fast you tripped causing your books and stuff to fall to the floor.

"Owe, clumsy me," you mumbled to yourself, as you quickly grabbed your stuff, with the help of a someone. You looked up to see Seto, handing you your book bag with your books in it. You put everything in your bag, before he helped you off of the floor.

"Thank you again Seto~kun," You flashed him a smile, and he looked away.

"You shouldn't rush too much. You will get hurt eventually,"

"I know, sorry I bothered you. Oh no, I gotta hurry," you bowed your head and rushed to the office. He shook his head yet a small smile on his face as he made his way to the gym. He was tired and went back to his normal look so the team didn't suspect anything.

"(L/N), thank you for coming."

"No problem sir, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong per say," he said just as Hanamiya walked into the office as well. Hanamiya glanced you up and down before looking at the principal.

"Does she even know about basketball?"

"Huh? I mean yeah, I use to play all of the time before I messed up my knee, which was non basketball related more softball related but it affected how I played sports."

"Oh..." Hanamiya looked to the side and you looked at the principal.

"Anyway, you aren't in a club right (L/N)?"

"No, I am not."

"I was wondering if you could be their manager/coach. Hanamiya was the coach but the amount of times another team as got hurt after playing them increased. So its either disband the basketball team or them find a coach. So will you do that? I am not saying you have too..."

"What was the point then? If she says no? No one else is going to say yes. Plus..."

"I will do it, if that is okay with Hanamiya," Hanamiya looked at you surprised.

"You do realize that will tarnish you perfect little reputation."

"So?" You both had a stare down, and Hanamiya smirked.

"Fine with me, as long as we can continue to play."

"Very well then, thank you (L/N), you guys have a good day."

You and Hanamiya walked together to the gym in silence, you could feel him watch your movement which kinda made you nervous. When you walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at you which made you kinda nervous.

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