Aomine x Reader

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Title: Confessions
No Warning

Aomine couldn't help but feel a tightness in his chest every time he saw you with him. He had liked you since the day you came to Too Academy, but it had seemed that you were closer to Kagami Taiga, since you guys went to the same elementary and middle school in America. He could have sworn the two of you were dating, by the way your arms snaked around Kagami. The way your smile blinded him when you saw the Seirin's Ace. He knew he had to keep it to himself because he didn't want to hurt you.

Right now, you were laying on Kagami's lap and Aomine looked away from you. He was currently leaning against the wall, trying to focus on his phone. Momoi could easily tell how her friend was feeling, and she felt kinda down for him. So she wanted to try and help him.

"Hey (Y/N), we should go shopping," Momoi said. You blinked and thought about it for a moment before a wide smile graced your features.

"Sure, Taiga never wants to go shopping with me,"

"Neither does Dai~chan...he always leaves me hanging,"

"Not true!" Aomine and Kagami said in unison. You and Momoi rolled your eyes and ended up leaving the two, to go shopping. Once you both were out of sight she turned to you.

"So you and Kagami huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"You two are totally dating, I can see it."

"Uh, no."

"You can tell me the truth, you are always around him."

"Momoi, I love you girl, but mine and Taiga's relationship is just like yours and Aomine's, he like a brother,"

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, nothing more. Plus his only true love is basketball."

"I could have sworn you two were dating, he kisses your forehead, hugs you, holds your hand."

"Yeah, as a sister type deal. Plus I am clumsy, and will walk into on going traffic if someone isn't holding my hand."


"Yeah," Momoi looked at you with concern just as Kagami grabbed the back of your shirt.

"Seriously!? You almost got hit by a car!"

"Oh shit~" You said and Kagami groaned.

"Momoi, you need to keep an eye on her 24/7 or else she is gonna die one day." Kagami said and Momoi grabbed your hand.

"Everything makes sense now." She said face palming, with this new found information she grinned at you.


"Nothing, just realized I had something to do. Talk to you later!" She ran off leaving you and Kagami together.

"What the hell was that about?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. She did think we were dating though." Kagami made a face and you slapped him.

"Don't make that face,"

"Dating you would be like incest, cause we might as well be siblings closer siblings then me and Tatsuya..."

"I know, that's what I basically told her. Then she began to list the things like kissing on the forehead, holding hands, and hugs,"

"I hold your hand because you are a literal hazard to yourself,"

"I told her that, and I think she realizes that now."

"Still doesn't explain why she ditched you after asking to go shop~ oh no..."

"What?" You glanced up at him and he had a mix of emotions on his face.

"He wouldn't, no he couldn't. No way, but it makes sense."

"What? Tell me,"

"I could be wrong, but maybe Momoi was wanting to hang out with you to get more information about mine and your friendship because Aomine likes you."

"Wait no way. He doesn't even talk to me in school, so that's negative. You are way wrong. He hardly knows anything about me," you said.

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty positive, Imayoshi~senpai shows more interest in me than Aomine,"

"That's weird, I said I could be wrong though,"

"What's weird? Imayoshi senpai is one hot senpai."

"Disgusting, and I rather hear Aomine than Imayoshi."

"Really? Isn't he like your rival?"

"Yeah, but like I know he won't hurt you. Imayoshi gives me the creeps a bit."

"At least I didn't say Hana~owe owe owe owe owe owe..." Kagami had put you in a head lock and began to give you a knuckle sandwich. That name was forbidden in your guy's friendship.

"(L/N) can we talk?" You and Kagami turned to Aomine, he began to feel that same feeling but since he had a pretty good idea of yours and Kagami's relationship he tried not to get too jealous.

"Uh?" You and Kagami turned to each other and Kagami was smirking.

"Sure..." Kagami let you go, but he turned to Aomine.

"Make sure she doesn't walk into ongoing traffic, she will literally get hurt."

"Alright..." Kagami left leaving you with Aomine. It was quiet for a long while, and you had to admit this was quite unusual.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"You and Kagami really aren't dating?"

"No, in his words. That would be like incest, because we are literally like brother and sister," you stated and he nodded his head. You watched his reaction and he was looking elsewhere before finally meeting your eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Wait what?"

"I like you a lot," he had a small blush covering his tanned cheeks. You couldn't help but blush as well surprised.

"I- how? You never talk to me, or showed interest."

"I didn't because I didn't want Kagami to think I was trying to steal his girlfriend. So I kept my distance, but hearing that you guys just have a sibling relationship makes me want to act on my feelings now. Before it's too late."

"Oh, that's sweet of you. I just, not sure if I return the feelings," you rubbed your neck with a small blush.

"Oh, I see. I am sorry..."

"But, that's only because I enjoy going through the motions of catching feelings. Getting to know each other, hanging out, being friends first. Having dates before I actually date someone."

"I can do that, I don't mind waiting," he said and you smiled before connecting your arm with his.

"Then lets go," you said with a wide smile. He smiled back slightly before walking.

"What do you want to do then?"


"Alright, lead the way, it's my treat then."


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