Furuhashi x Reader

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Title: Mine
No Warning

You could feel his unnerving gaze follow every movement you made. It sucked being in the same classes as Furuhashi, but there was nothing you could do. You never understood why he always watched you, and every movement you made. If any guys would get too close, he would scare them off. At first you thought maybe you were at the receiving end of Hanamiya's torture. But nothing ever happened, instead your normal bullies stopped bullying you. You were thankful for that at least, but you wished he would just speak to you instead of just watching you.

The bell soon rang and you gathered your stuff and left the classroom. You kept your head down as you passed everyone by. That is why you jumped when someone grabbed your wrist. You quickly looked up to meet the blank eyes of your classmate you wanted to avoid.

"F-Furuhashi, what's wrong?" You stumbled as he pulled you away from the crowds. No one bothered to bat an eye at the reaction between the two of you. You blushed slightly as he pulled you into an empty and dark classroom. He locked the door, and turned to you with that blank gaze of his. You felt a blush creep up your neck as he stalked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Mine," was the only thing he said as he placed his lips on top of yours. Your eyes widen in shocked, as he slowly pulled you closer to him. Once you came down from your shock, you began to kiss him back. You could feel the slight smile on his face and you gripped his shirt slightly. He pushed you against the wall as he easily dominated your mouth and you struggled a bit too keep up with his pace.

The kiss was intoxicating, and you couldn't catch your breath. When you tried to pull away, he only pushed further into the kiss. He slipped his tongue past your lips and you let out a moan as you gripped his shirt harder. You pushed him away harder this time, causing him to fall back.

"Wait, I... need to catch my breath," you managed in between pants, and he watched you. Your hand went to your chest and he tilted your head up and placed another small kiss to your lips.

"Sorry," he said and you shook your head slightly with a small smile.

"Don't be, I just wasn't expecting that," you met his eyes and leaned up pressing another small kiss to his lips this time.

"I guess, I know why you always watched me," you hummed softly and he nodded his head slightly.


"I know, I don't mind being yours," he had a faint smile before holding your hand.

"Come meet my parents."

"HUH SO SOON!?" Your eyes widen and he glared at you slightly but nodded.

"They don't think I am capable of getting a real girlfriend, or friends outside of the basketball team."


"My mom and dad will be pleased once they meet you."

"I see, well I guess I can." He kissed your cheek, and led you out of the classroom.

"We are meeting them now, so lets go."

"Now? I should get dressed."

"Your school uniform is fine."

"Okay," you didn't know what else to say. His car was waiting for you outside of the school and he let you in first. You played with your school skirt getting nervous, but Furuhashi held your hand.

"Also just call me Kojiro, since we are dating now."

"Okay then just call me (Y/N)," he nodded in response and squeezed your hand slightly. The ride there was quiet, and when he led you into a restuarant the host took you both to the deck out back. There you saw his parents, and man his mother was beautiful. He definitely took after his father with the same blank eyes.

"Kojiro, you are here finally." His mother said before she looked you over. His mother had a wide smile and covered her mouth.

"So this is (Y/N)..."

"Y-Yes mam," you felt a blush as she looked you over.

"You are right Kojiro, she is cute."

"Huh?" You turned to him, and he looked away a blush covering his cheeks.

"I am surprised." His father spoke, and it sent a shiver down your spine.

"She looks a lot more adjusted than I thought."

"Dad..." Kojiro said, not wanting you to feel offended. His mother wrapped you in a bone crushing hug before she had you sit across from her and him across from his dad. They began to ask you questions, and you answered them honestly. Kojiro couldn't take his eyes off of you, and a faint smile graced his lips. You got along well with his mom, more than he thought. She even invited you to their house so you and her could have as what she said, future daughter and mother in law bonding. Much to Furuhashi's embarrassment since you both were still in only high school.

"Mom, we~"

"Shush Kojiro." His mother said so his father tried to speak up but she shot him a glare as well. Both guys sweat dropped and she turned her attention to you.

"Son, I think we both been replaced by your girlfriend."

"At least she fits in..." Furuhashi said as you laughed softly at what his mother said.

"That means she is a keeper, so don't ruin anything."

"I won't..."

"Good," his father said and Kojiro leaned over and kissed your cheek causing you to blush a bright red.

"K-Kojiro, not in front of your parents." You said hiding your face and his mother smiled adoringly.

"It's fine... you looked really cute." He mumbled the last part but you and his parents heard it. 

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