Yamazaki x Reader

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Title: More Than A Crush
No Warning

Yamazaki always had bad experiences with girls, mainly because he was part of the basketball team. It didn't help he was violent and always had a angry look on his face. There was also the fact that despite his appearance he fell for the more cheerful girls. Girls like you. You were always smiling, kind, smart and the way his heart rate increased when you were around was unbearing.

He fell for you, the day you caught him staring at you and you flashed him the brightest smile. No one ever flashed him the smile like that, right then he knew this was more than a crush. He avoided talking to you though, because he assumed he never had a chance with you. Luckily, fate didn't completely hate him though. Your biology teacher placed you and him as partners for the rest of the year.

"Hey Yamazaki~san, when did you want to work on the project?" You asked and he snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at you. You had a smile plastered on your lips, and the way you held your books to you made you look so vulnerable and adorable.

"I have practice afterwards, you can stay and we can work on it after," he offered and you nodded your head.

"Seems good to me, I can go into the library and wait for you until they close then meet you at the gym."

"Seems good, see you then," he said. You left to go to the library and he watched you walked away and he felt his heart rate increase. He placed his hand on his chest, and his head hit the desk before he dragged himself to the gym.

Once his basketball team came in, they instantly knew what was going on. He had a smile on his face that wouldn't leave, and he was completely out of it, constantly looking at the clock.

"Oi, do you have a date with that one chick or something?" Hara asked and Yamazaki quickly shook his head 'no'.

"No, it's not like that, the Biology teacher just placed as partners. Nothing more."

"Geez, what are you in love?" Hanamiya rolled his eyes but Yamazaki answered the question seriously.


You were the library working on your other homework, all the way up until the library closed. You gathered your stuff and looked at the clock wondering if the practice ended. You made your way to the gym, and adjusted the bag on your shoulder. Just as you were about to open the gym doors, you were suddenly surrounded by several of guys.

"Can I help you guys?" You asked holding your book bag tighter and they smirked down at you.

"Well aren't you absolutely beautiful (L/N)~san."

"Uhm, thanks. Not to be rude, but do I know you guys?" You asked, and they began to smirk. A wave of slight anxiety ran up your spine, causing your guard to go completely up.

"Well, we are in class 3-A, and we were wondering if you would like to hang out with us."

"Sorry, I can't. Me and Yamazaki got a project to work on."

"Come on don't be like that, forget that loser and hang out with us."

You couldn't help the frown that graced your lips, and you sighed softly.

"I am sorry, but I am not interested. Now please can you step aside?"

"We aren't asking, hun." One guy said and grabbed your arm, in an instant your fight or flight instincts kicked in. You twisted his arm, and kneed him in the stomach, causing him to crouch down.

"You bitch."

"Please, move," you said not wanting to actually hurt anyone.

Suddenly multiple of them grabbed you and you let a scream out as you continued to thrash around. You didn't notice but the basketball team, heard you scream and came out. Yamazaki was about to step in with the others, but you kicked the leader into them, before kneeing the other ones in the dick. You managed to grab your biology book and hit the remaining guy in the face really hard.

"(L/N) are you okay?" Yamazaki ran to you, and you were shaking slightly.

"Y-Yeah, I am," you said and he wrapped an arm around you as Hanamiya and the others began to threaten the guys.

"I didn't know you could kick ass." Hara said walking up and you rubbed your neck awkwardly.

"It's not that I want to, it was out of self-defense." You looked away before realizing Yamazaki had his arms around your waist. You felt a blush rush up to your cheeks as you stepped away from him. Yamazaki realized and let you go, though he wanted to hold you a bit longer.

"They didn't actually hurt you or anything right?" Yamazaki once again asked and you shook your head.

"No, I was able to control the situation enough. Sorry if I worried you, I didn't mean to interrupt your practice," you bowed to their captain and the upperclassman. Seto, Hara and Furuhashi blushed slightly at how cute you were, and Hanamiya looked off to the side.

"We actually finished when we heard you," Hara cleared his throat. Yamazaki felt his eye twitched and he wrapped his arms around you.

"Well since we are done, me and (L/N) are leaving. We got a project to work on." He knew that look all to well, the others were starting to realize how cute you were. He wasn't about to let them steal you away, so he rushed and got his bookbag before holding your hand and pulled you away from them. He could feel the glares from the others but he didn't care.

"Yamazaki~san I am going to fall if you keep pulling me."

"Oh, right sorry," he finally let go of your hand. You were confused and looked up at him, he had a small blush on his cheeks.

"What was that about? I was apologizing."

"Yeah, well... I- I just didn't like the way they were looking at you."

"What do you mean?" You asked tilting your head and he finally met your (e/c) orbs.

"They were realizing how cute and adorable you were. How sweet and kind, and they were starting to develop a crush on you. I don't want them to like you, because then I will lose my only shot." He mumbled the last part and you blinked.

"Lose your shot... wait you like me?"

"Yeah, I know you probably don't li-" you cut him off by placing your lips on top of his. His eyes had widen but he quickly shut them and held your waist close to his. You sighed softly against his lips and wrapped your arms around his neck. The kiss was innocent and sweet. When he finally parted from you, he leaned his forehead against yours.

"You wouldn't lose your shot, I like you too, a lot."

"You don't understand, this is more than a crush, or a like like, this I think I love you..." he mumbled and you cupped his cheeks.

"I love you too..."

"So you will be my girlfriend?"

"Of course..." He had a goofy smile and you couldn't help but admire his smile.

"You should smile more, its perfect." You said and he blushed and looked away.

"S-Shut up, lets go so we can work on the project."

"Alright, alright," you giggled as he tried to hide his blush, but it was spreading to his ears.

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