Hanamiya x Reader

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Title: New Manager
No Warning

You had no idea that you would have been meeting Hanamiya. His mother and your mother were close friends after meeting at a gathering. You were dragged along by your mother so you could make new friends as well. That friend was suppose to be Hanamiya. He shot you a glare which caused you to quickly look down and play with your fingers.

"Makoto, quit glaring at the poor girl. You are scaring her." His mother said and he only sighed softly.

"Whatever, come on (L/N). Let's leave our mothers to do whatever they do."

"O-Okay..." You followed close behind after your mother encouraged you to follow him. You heard him mumbling but couldn't make out what he was saying until you both were far away from the other. He then turned to you and he had a very menacing aura surrounding him.

"If you tell anyone about me or my mom, I will make your life a living hell. Got it?"

"H-Hanamiya~kun, don't worry. I don't have many friends anyway, plus its really no ones business what we or our parents do outside of school," you said not looking at him. He seemed to be satisfied with your answer and sat on a swing. He watched his mother laugh with your mom and he couldn't help the small smile though. It has been awhile since he saw her smile or laugh, in fact he couldn't remember when. You sat beside him on the swing, and smiled as well.

"They seem to get along really well. I am glad." You said and he looked over at you, seeing the same look in your eyes as he had in his.

"Yeah, I am assuming your father left when you were young as well? I can't even remember my dad."

"Actually my mom left my dad maybe three years ago. She realized staying in an abusive relationship wouldn't help me see that it was wrong. So she finally left."

"I see, so you remember all of the abuse your mother and probably you went through."

"Yeah, but I didn't suffer as bad as mom, but she is healing now. I mean look at them both of our parents are," he turned his head away from you to look at them. Both of your parents were looking at you two and you both looked away from them.

"Anyway, uhm, why don't you want anyone to know?"

"I don't want people to have pity for me, or my family. Like you said, it has nothing to do with them."

"Not even your friends?"

"Do yours know?"

"I actually don't have friends, as you know I keep to myself all of the time. Besides the rare occasion that Hara decides to torment me."


"You know the flirting, and what not."

"Of course." Hanamiya rolled his eyes like that and you both fell silent again.

"How is basketball?"

"Ehh, its okay. Have you been to any of our games?"

"I actually try and attend all of them..." You admitted with a small blush and Hanamiya looked at you shocked. He almost flinched because that meant you knew how they play, but you didn't show any ill-will against him.

"I see..."

"I was thinking of sitting this one out though."

"You might as well go..."

"Well, last time I went. The team you beat attacked me, so I am still pretty scared to be by myself when I go to your games."

"They attacked you? Why?"

"I guess they recognized my school uniform and decided to take their anger out on me."

"Do you enjoy going to our games?"

"I mean... yeah I guess."

"Become our manager."


"We won't let no one hurt our manager."

"But~ I am not the type to do anything like that. Plus it will cause unwanted attention..." You looked away from him, and Hanamiya smirked slightly tilting your head to him.

"It will benefit you and us. You can come to our games without fear, and we will have a manager. Plus look how happy our moms would be if we became even closer?" You glanced at them and they were laughing. You smiled before looking at him, before nodding.

"Alright, fine... but only because of them and the fact that I can go to the games without worrying about being a target."

"Great..." he brushed his lips against yours causing you to blush and grow shy. He laughed slightly in a teasing manner, before standing up.

"Should we go tell our mom's the news?" He offered you his hand and you blushed but took it.

"Alright..." you both walked back to them and they noticed the small blush on your cheeks.

"What's wrong you two?" Your mother asked and you gave her a smile.

"Mrs. (L/N), is it okay that she becomes the basketball manager?" He asked rather politely, your mother and her mother looked at each other than at you and him.

"Of course, I think that would help her break out of her shell as well. Take care of my daughter okay?"

"Of course, I would never let anyone hurt our manager." You looked down shyly and they giggled.

"Well, I guess its settled then." You quickly tried to remove your hand from Hanamiya's but he had a death grip on your hand. He looked at you before looking at them.

"I think me and (L/N), will take our leave. Uh, you two have fun, mom don't worry about me or (L/N). We both will be okay. I am going to introduce her to the team."

"Alright, see you later Makoto."

"Bye mom love you." You said and she waved as you both walked away. He finally let your hand go and you held it to your chest slightly confused.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I only did it so it seemed for sincere. It can be hard to take me seriously with what I normally do." He said.

"Your mom knows how you~"

"Yes, thats why I kept hold of your hand, so she knew I was serious."

"I see." He glanced at you again before taking you where they were going to meet up.

"Finally the captain arrived."

"With a pretty girl?"

"Hey its (L/N), she is in my class." Hara said and you looked down.

"Starting today she will be our manager."

"Really?" Yamazaki asked and Hanamiya nodded.


"Has she..."

"She has been to every game, and knows how we play. Only makes sense, she becomes our manager."

"Fair point..." Hara went to wrap his arm around you but Hanamiya pulled you out of the way.

"Stop that."


"U-Uh you guys can really just call me (Y/N)..." You said and everyone nodded.

"I am Yamazaki."

"I am Furuhashi, that is Seto over their sleeping."

"N-Nice to meet you."

"So cute." Yamazaki mumbled under his breath but you heard it and began to turn red.

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