Akashi x Older! Sister Reader

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Title: Could Never Hate You
No Warning

Akashi Seijuro had always looked up to you because you were his older sister. You were the best in his eyes with everything that you did. As he got older, despite his personality changing, you were still his world. When you had graduated high school and left him, he was angry at you but he understood. While your guy's father pushed him to make sure he always won, you still kept him a bit leveled. You were more like your mother, and he noticed that after she passed.

Right now Akashi would have done anything right now to see your bright smile. Especially since he felt lost, it had nothing to do with his two personalities but he just missed his older sister. It had been a few years since he last saw you, especially after you and your dad got into an argument. He resented his dad a bit for pushing you away, especially since the two of you lost contact.

You honestly missed your younger brother, he was the most precious, and adorable bean ever. It had been a few years since you saw him, or even talked to him. You felt bad for not contacting him, which was why you were headed to his game today. You hoped he didn't resent you for not calling or visiting. You wouldn't blame him though if he did. You stood and watched them lose against Seirin, not the proudest moment, but he looked like he still had fun playing basketball. That made you smile slightly, as you waited by the exit.

"Who is that?"

"Don't know but she is really cute."

"You don't think she is here for Seirin do you?"

"I hope not..."

"Hi... is Sei coming or...." you trailed off and they sweat dropped.

"Oh he is,"

"What's going on?" Well that voice told you and you turned around and gave him a nervous smile.

"Oneesan..." You could see the shock on his face and you rubbed your neck.

"Hey, it's been awhile..." You said, before you could finish, he grabbed your hand and led you guys far away from everyone. After he made sure no one followed you guys he turned to you.

"What are you doing here?"

"I felt I should apologize for leaving, and not contacting you..." You mumbled and looked down, he suddenly hugged you tightly to him.

"I missed you, so much."

"I missed you too, I understand if you hate me..."

"I could never hate you (N/N), you mean everything to me. I am glad I get to see you again." He mumbled, you could have sworn you felt tears brimming his eyes but you couldn't tell. He kept his face buried into your chest, and you sighed softly before placing a small kiss to the top of his head.

"Hey, to make it up. How about I take you out for food?" You asked and he looked up at you, after he calmed himself down.

"To make it up, you got to take the entire team out. Plus, can I stay with you?"

"What about dad?"

"I doubt he will care, plus I lost the game. Knowing him, he will probably be disappointed, lecture or disown me. Depends on his mood."

"Well, I won't mind. I have a spare bedroom, so you can stay with me as long as you want."

"Thanks," he hugged you tightly again. It was such a heart warming reunion for the both of you that you both didn't notice his basketball team behind him.

"Uhm, Akashi~ we have a meeting," one of his teammates said.

"Stay, don't leave," he said he unintentionally puffed his cheeks out making him look cute.

"If you leave I won't forgive you."

"Yeah, yeah. Go to your meeting plus I am taking you guys out to eat if I remember correctly," he nodded his head with a small smile.

"I never knew he could make an adorable face like that. It's weird." One whispered and Akashi looked at them before looking away feeling his cheeks heat up. He forgot he was around them when he made such an adorable face and you couldn't help but laugh softly.

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