Kise x Reader

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Title: Loving A Co-Worker
No Warning just something sweet and semi wholesome

Kise felt the warmth on his cheeks increase, as he had his arms around your frame. You were smiling at the camera, as he was looking down at you for the photoshoot. You were his partner for this project and Kise felt butterflies in his stomach. The way your hair laid flawlessly over your shoulder, your perfectly manicured nails against his chest, the way your lips curved into that smile. He wanted to kiss you, but he knew that was inappropriate. Plus, you had a confidence that surrounded you, that intimidated him a bit.

"Perfect, take 10, afterwards you both will do a kissing scene."

"Say what now?" Kise asked quickly, his face had turned crimson and you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Yes, you two will be kissing."

"I don't think that is appropriate," you rolled your eyes with he photographer and he walked away.

"Hey now, kissing me won't be that bad. Geez," you puffed your cheeks and Kise was taken back.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. It's just, that should we really be kissing?"

"Why not? It's just for the project."

"You intimidate me, but not in a bad way. You are so gorgeous, and pretty. Makes me feel like I don't, or I shouldn't even be that close to you," he began to ramble and you chuckled slightly.

"You do realize your fanbase is larger than mine right?"

"I just, I don't know..."

"Kise, how about I kiss you now so our first kiss on camera won't be so awkward."

"What? I- uhm okay," he trailed off as you stepped closer to him and cupped his cheeks. You leaned up a bit and pressed your glossed lips over his causing him to melt on the spot. The taste of your strawberry lip gloss, was rather addicting. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, to deepen the kiss. You gripped his shirt, you figured he was a good kisser but this was too much for you to handle. Your knees felt weak, as he easily dominated your mouth. You both continued until multiple snaps were heard. You both pulled away to look at the photographer who was checking the pictures.

"I thought we had time!" Kise cried but the photographer only laughed shaking his head.

"You guys did, but that was too perfect. You would never be able to catch something so real like that," he explained before showing you both the picture. You had to admit, the picture was amazing.

"You both looked so in love, it was perfect," the photographer said. Kise couldn't stop staring at the photo before glancing at you.

"(Y/N)cchi, I-"

"After work Kise," you said knowing what he was going to say. He smiled widely and wrapped his arms around you.

"Let's get back to work lovebirds," he said and you both went back to the front of the camera. Kise laid his head on your shoulder and his arms tightened around your waist. You couldn't help but laugh as he placed several kisses to your shoulder.

"Kise, don't be so open about this. These are going to be in the magazines," you said smiling. He smiled against your skin, as the photographer cut you off.

"That's what we want, so keep doing it Kise. This is perfect, better than the first half of photos," he praised. You fought back a blush and he smiled softly nuzzling you.

"Yeah, plus I plan to show you off as much as I can to let the world know I am yours and vise versa," he said cheekily. You sighed but turned your head to kiss his cheek but he caught your lips which was captured.

"I want these photos..." Kise mumbled but the photographer heard.

"I will send them to you both."

"That is so embarrassing but fine," you mumbled just as the photoshoot ended.

"Let's go on a date (Y/N)cchi."

"Alright, you are paying right?"

"Of course whatever (Y/N)cchi wants (Y/N)cchi gets."

"So sweet, I don't deserve you." You pecked his cheek laughing softly.

"So you will be my girlfriend then?"

"Of course, that's the point of this date doofus."

"Right, just wanted to make sure we are on the same page," he held your hand as you guys walked out of the building. 

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