Kagami x Reader

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Title: I Missed You
No Warning

You waited patiently for your lovely boyfriend to pick you up from the airport. You haven't seen him in about a year and you had missed him dearly. You looked around before spotting the familiar dark red hair and you smiled widely. When his eyes met yours he couldn't help that goofy smile spread across his face. You sped walked to him, not noticing the small group of people behind him. You let go of your suitcase, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He instantly leaned down and captured your lips in a small and sweet kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist. You stood really close to him with a sigh, and he picked you up spinning you around.

"I missed you so much, (Y/N)," he mumbled against your lips before setting you down.

"I missed you too, Taiga. I am glad I get to transfer to the same school as you," you smiled before noticing his friends who were staring at you shocked.

"Taiga, you said a friend. You don't do that to your friends!" A guy with glasses said and you blushed.

"She is my best friend, and my girlfriend. So yes, yes I do," Taiga deadpanned and they all sweat dropped.

"Anyway, everyone meet my girlfriend, (L/N) (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my basketball team," everyone began to introduce themselves.

"Hey where is Kuroko?" Riko asked and everyone looked around.

"Does he have blue hair? If so right there," you pointed and everyone jumped. Kuroko and your boyfriend was surprised that you noticed him and no one else did.

"You noticed me first?"

"Yeah... I am good at noticing invisible people. Though I was surprised you almost surprised me." You admitted rubbing your neck.

"She is good..."

"Well don't you think we should get her back to Kagami's place, she must be tired."

"Oh right, here let me take that for you," Taiga said taking your suitcase for you, then your hand with his free one.

"Thank you," you leaned up to kiss his cheek before letting them lead you. You and Riko were talking and Kagami was just listening not wanting to interrupt.

"So do you play basketball too?" She asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, not as much as Taiga but I help him practice sometimes."

"Really? Who is better?" Kuroko asked suddenly.

"Me..." You both said in unison and you both had a stare down.

"Taiga, don't lie to your teammates. If I remember correctly we have had 800 games, and I am at 405 wins and you are at 395 wins," you said looking at him. His eyebrow twitched.

"Fine lets make my win 396 then. Right now."

"Won't happen."

"Lets play then."


"Right now!?" The basketball team screamed and you reached in your bag and grabbed a basketball.

"Came prepared?" Riko asked and you nodded.

"Always, Taiga always challenging..."

"This is gonna be interesting," Taiga took you to the basketball court, where he was stopped by someone that reminded you of Taiga just blue hair.

"Who is she? She is cute..." A blonde appeared in front of your face, and you stared at him blankly.

"(L/N) (Y/N) Taiga's girlfriend."

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