Kuroko x Reader x Kagami

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Title: Invisible 2/2
No Warning

It had been about three months since you came back from America, and everything was a lot better. You spent most of your time with the basketball team as always, but seeing Kuroko didn't hurt you. In fact, when Momoi came, you only smiled at her. At first, everyone was worried, but they soon realized you were truly happy.

Kuroko wasn't, though. You had stopped entirely hanging out with him. You came up with excuses not to hang out with him. You didn't text him as often, claiming you were busy. He soon realized all of your time was directed towards Kagami. He could tell that Kagami had a crush on you, but as far as he knows, Kagami never confessed. Kuroko wanted his best friend back, but he just couldn't get close to you.

Right now, you were handing the team towels and water bottles. You passed Kuroko his, but he gripped your wrist slightly before you could leave.

"(Y/N)? Can we talk after practice?" He asked; you turned to meet his eyes.

"I can't. I am busy after practice."

"It will only take a moment."

"Sorry, Kuroko, but Kagami wants to take me out right after. So I won't be able to."

"We haven't hung out in a while; I miss hanging out with you," Kuroko confessed. You blinked surprised but rubbed your neck slightly with a sigh.

"I am sorry, Kuroko, but we aren't exactly best friends anymore. I mean, we are still friends, but I just don't feel as close to you anymore."

"It's because we haven't spent time together since you left for America."

"I know, and I was feeling this way before I left. The truth is, I left for America to get away from you. I needed time to myself to find out who I was. I lost myself because I clung to you. We weren't best friends, Kuroko," you whispered. Everyone was quiet as they listened; they were glad you finally had the nerve to explain to Kuroko everything that was weighing on you.

Kuroko stared at you in shock; he wasn't expecting you to say that. He didn't understand, and when he went to open his mouth, you cut him off before he could.

"I am sorry, Kuroko, I let my feelings get in away from our friendship. I won't allow it anymore; I finally got over you. I wanna keep it that way, so I don't hurt anymore."

"I see; I am sorry. I didn't know you had feelings for me (Y/N). I-"



"I had feelings for you, but I got over you. I finally recovered after three months of being back. Thanks to Kagami and the others, especially Kagami."

"Are you and him dating?" Kuroko asked. You shook your head.

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