Kiyoshi x Reader

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Title: Marry Me 2/2
No warning: Story inspired by Thomas Rhett's Part 1 "Marry Me" and Part 2 "Remember You Young"(I recommend listening and watching these music videos. So beautiful)

You and Kiyoshi were 23 years old now, and after you moved out of your ex-fiance's house you stayed with him. He never forced his feelings on you, he never even confessed to you not wanting to ruin what you both had. Your feelings for him were still there even more so after he helped you. You were grateful the marriage didn't happen because before you dated your ex, you had intense feelings for Kiyoshi. If he would have confessed to you the day of your wedding you would have probably called it off.

It did still hurt though knowing your perfect wedding day was ruined, but it wouldn't have been as perfect without Kiyoshi. Currently, you were cuddling with Kiyoshi on the couch watching a movie. You both were on break from University and decided to relax with each other. You glanced out the window and saw the snow on the ground and smiled to yourself. Kiyoshi glanced at you before glancing outside to see that it was snowing again.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, the snow is so pretty."

"Yeah, you are, it is..." He tried to cover it up but you were already staring at him and he had a small blush on his cheeks.


"It's okay, its not the first time you said something embarrassing," you nudged him with a smile. He laughed softly and pulled you to his chest which you fully welcomed since he was really warm.



"Do you ever plan to marry again?"

"I want to that hasn't change, just the way I want my wedding."

"So nothing simple?"

"It's still simple dork!" He laughed softly and you began to ramble on about your ideal wedding.

"I want it in the winter, the snow is so pretty, I still want my grandad to do the wedding and ideally not a guy that's going to back out." You joked and he laughed softly.

"I also want to make sure you won't leave early." You poked his chest and he smiled slightly.

"Be my girlfriend."

"What?" You were shocked and he leaned his forehead against yours.

"Wait, no repeat what you said. Did you just..."

"Yes, I want you to be my girlfriend," he said and you felt your heart racing slightly.

"I- I would love too Teppei..."

"Great," he kissed your cheeks slightly and you sighed softly as you buried your face in his chest before looking up at him with a smile. He laced his fingers with yours before leaning in to kiss you. You closed your eyes but just as his lips was about to land on yours as if the world was against you, Riko came in with the his previous teammates.

"Oh are we interrupting something?" You looked at Riko and Kiyoshi leaned his head against the couch.

"Seriously," he whined slightly since every time you guys were about to kiss someone interrupted. You almost started laughing and they looked at you guys.

"What's funny?"

"This is third time this happened. First Hyuga and Koganei, then the nurse and now you guys again." You said and they sweat dropped confused but Kiyoshi knew exactly what you meant.

"Are you two finally dating or something?" Kagami asked and you both nodded.

"How long!?" Riko asked and you looked at your imaginary watch.

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