Kagami x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Soft and Warm
No Warning
Anime: Kuroko No Basket

You felt strong arms wrap around your waist, causing you to wake up. You forgot where you were, that was until you felt Taiga kiss your shoulder. You turned your head to him, and flashed a smile before the memories of the night before flashed before you. You blushed and turned your head, and Taiga only placed his hand on your stomach rubbing it gently. He knew you were sensitive about the area, but always made sure you knew he thought you were beautiful. He wasn't good with words, but since you were his girlfriend he knew he had a duty. "Do you still think of yourself in a negative way?" He deep morning voice, sent shivers down your spine. You shook your head as he pulled you on top of him, kissing you gently. You kissed back with a smile on your lips and his arms tightened around your plump waist. "No, thank you Taiga." "Don't thank me, I mean it. You are beautiful, and perfect in every way. I am not good with words, but that much I can tell you." He said and you sat up slightly, the blanket falling off of your body. You got out of bed and he sat up watching you get dress. "Where are you going?" "Make breakfast, you made it yesterday it's my turn." "Can't we cuddle more before I have to go to the game?" "You need to eat before the game Taiga." You said and he sighed softly as he watched you leave to the kitchen. He got into the shower as you started breakfast, it wasn't long before you boyfriend wrapped his arms around your waist again. For someone who could be a bit awkward, he definitely was clingy when it came to you. Though you knew that wasn't the case at all. He just loved touching you, every chance he got. "So soft, so warm." He buried his face in your neck, and you laughed softly. "Yeah, yeah. Go sit down, while I cook."

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