Hara x Reader

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Title: Friend Zoned 2/3
No Warning

It had been three weeks since he went to your house, and he has made no progress in convincing you to date him. It didn't help that girls often tried to tempt him, or ask him out. Of course he rejected their advances, but it was almost always after you already saw him being surrounded. He hated it, the feeling of being helpless. After failing to gain your attention he ended up giving into his urges.

That was his mistake, he didn't think you would find out. But the look on your face as you went into the student council room, to prepare for the meeting. He was deep inside the vice president of the student council. His eyes widen and you gave him a 'I knew you weren't serious' look.

"Sorry to interrupt, but unless you want the rest of the student council to find you guys in this position, I would adjust your clothes," you walked out.

"President (L/N), I am sorry! I thought the meeting was tomorrow." The vice president said and you hummed as she fixed her clothes after pushing him off.

"It's Wednesday, (random name), we have meetings every Wednesday."

"Oh I thought it was... Tuesday."

"(L/N) can we talk..." Hara asked and you shook your head.

"I am busy," was the only thing you said as you went to gather the stuff you needed for the meeting.

"Wait, it's not what it looks like," Hara tried to explain grabbing your wrist.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"I really do love you."

"Heh, there you go again. I told you actions speak louder than words. That's why I don't date guys like you."


"This isn't the first time, everything led up to today only proved that I was right about you."

"No I-"

"What you rejected every girl? Yeah after you saw me, I saw you flirting with them back."

"Please give me a chance."

"Absolutely not, I am not the type to date players. I for one don't want to be hurt," you pulled your arm out of his grasp and he sighed softly.

"Listen, I am trying."

"Trying, that's honestly not good enough. I think the best way is to just be friends. Sorry Hara," just like that it felt like a knife was plunged into his heart. No one could see his eyes, but he was hurting. You walked away but stopped when you heard his voice.

"Okay, friends then. I guess I can be okay with that," you turned to look at him and you could tell he wasn't too happy about it.


Nothing else was said and you grabbed everything before heading back to the student council room. Your vice president was looking down when you both made eye contact.

"(L/N)~san, were you and Hara dating?"

"No, we are just friends."

"It seems he~"

"Yeah he claims he does. But don't worry about it, anyway we have a dance to prepare for do we not?"

"Oh, right." The meeting for the budgeting of the dance went on for several hours, everyone throwing out ideas of what they could do to raise money, and the themes of the dance.

Once the meeting was over, it was already late so you left after cleaning up. You were digging in your bookbag, as you made your way to the school gate. When you grabbed your phone, you looked up to see your cousin standing there.

"Took you long enough."

"Well what do I owe the pleasure too?"

"Mom, said that aunty wants you to spend the night. So she told me to wait for you."

"Ah she must have to stay late."

"Mmm, so what's going on with you and Hara? He was sulking the entire practice." Hanamiya asked and you groaned slightly.

"Well, I told him it's best to stay friends. I claimed he loved me but I walked into the student council room and he was screwing my vice president."

"On top of flirting with every girl this week?"

"Past three weeks."

"Tsk, at least you aren't stupid."

"Wouldn't you like that? Sorry, don't date cousins and I know you like stupid girls."

"As if I would ever date you," he rolled his eyes causing you to laugh.

"Yeah that would be freaking weird."

"Even if you weren't my cousin I wouldn't."

"Yeah cause I am not stupid."

"Whatever, anyway hopefully he gets over you soon. It's affecting his playing."

"I am sure he will, he has a bunch of girls wrapped around his little finger."

"Except you."

"Except me."

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