Imayoshi x Reader

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Title: First love 1/2
No Warning

Imayoshi never expected himself to fall hard for you, especially since he didn't even know your name. It was kind of cliche if you thought about it because the moment you passed by him in the library, it was like flowers fell around you. Everything had moved in slow motion and he couldn't focus on his studies. It was only when Susa had called you over and had a full conversation with you that he learned your name.

"How are you settling in (L/N)?"

"Call me (Y/N), I cringe when called my last name. I am doing okay though, its different my Japanese is not the best right now."

"Well, if you ever need help. I can help since we are in the same class. Plus English is my best subject."

"That would be amazing~Susa right."

"Yep, oh this is Imayoshi. He is the same year as us."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Imayoshi cleared his throat, and gave you a smirk like smile.

"The pleasure is mine, did you want to sit with us to study,"

"Sure, I got nothing else to do," you sat beside Susa since you knew him better than Imayoshi. Imayoshi couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous but it didn't show on his face.

"Oh (L/N), you should come to the party tonight. I think that would help your social circle he~" he trailed off as you grimaced at the mention of a party.

"Social circle? I need one of those?" Imayoshi cracked a smile and Susa laughed slightly.

"Sorry, I just~"

"I will go as long as the two of you don't leave me alone. Once my social battery runs out I poof into thin air."

"Fair enough, if you give one of us your address we can pick you up." Susa said and you wrote down your address and number giving it to the both of them.

"Just text me when you are here, don't knock. For the love of all things holy do NOT knock. The last thing any of us want is my dad and brothers giving us the talk..."

"Alright..." They said in unison, Imayoshi glanced at Susa, and Susa knew that Imayoshi wanted to pick you up.

"Well, I should go. I need to change out of this, and into something more comfortable."

"Alright, I will text when I am around the corner." Imayoshi stated and you gave him a thumbs up.

"Seems good to me." You were then gone, and Susa turned his attention to his friend and teammate.

"You like her?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, for a brief moment, I could sense you got jealous when she sat next to me."

"Ah, sorry... it just it came out of no where."

"It's fine, she oddly suits you." Susa said going back to his studying and Imayoshi smiled to himself.

You had decided to dress comfortable, which consisted of ripped jeans, a tank top with a flannel on top and converse. You added a beanie to top the look off, and as on cue you received a messaged from an unknown number.

To: (L/N) (Y/N)

From: Unknown

'I am around the corner'

You knew exactly who it was and messaged him a quick 'k' and grabbed your key before leaving.

"I am heading out dad."

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