Haizaki x Reader

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Title: The Past
No Warning

It had been three years since he graduated high school, and Haizaki had turned out to be a better person. He didn't know when he started to changed, but he wasn't upset about it. He stayed awake at night realizing how he treated others and he had guilt eating at him alive. The number one person he regretted treating like trash, was you. You were always by his side, even when he used and played with girls hearts. He even hurt you, in unimaginable ways. He had taken the number one thing that was special to you, and it was by peer pressure.

After you both graduated, he lost contact with you so he had no way of apologizing or trying to make amends. So guilt ate at him at night, if he was honest with himself back then he would have realized that he was in love with you. He was part of your past now though, and honestly he was glad you forgot him. He was no good for you anyway, you deserved someone that would treat you right.

Right now, he was sitting on a bench looking at the clouds. He had the day off and of course you filled his mind, he covered his face sighing softly. Suddenly something small hit his leg and he looked down to see a white dog with a ball in it's mouth. He reached down and pet the dog's head which caused the dog to bark and wag it's tail happily.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to throw the ball so close," the familiar voice said. He looked up and his eyes had widen, the subject of his thoughts. You.


"Shogo~ is that you?" You blinked and he stood up slightly nodding.

"Yeah, you look amazing. What are you doing here? I thought you were in America for school."

"Thank you, you do too. I was, but the transferred me back to their sister school here."

"I see," you both fell quiet as your dog rubbed against Haizaki.

"Uhm, listen I am sorry."

"For what?" You tilted your head to the side and he sighed softly forgetting that you were extremely innocent and naive at times.

"Are you that oblivious to the way I treated you back in High school, middle school, and so forth? I peer pressured you to do things you didn't want to do, I treated you really badly. Everything I did."


"But~" you placed a finger to his lips to stop him from talking. You had that smile that he always took for granted, but was glad to see it again.

"That was the past, and honestly you didn't really pressure me. I was nervous that night yes, but that's because it was my first time. Even though it meant nothing to you, it meant everything to me. I had liked you, so I didn't mind do those things with you," you said with a small blush.

"That does not make me feel better," he said sitting on the bench and your dog put his paws on his lap panting.

"Angel, down boy. What do you mean?"

"One. I took advantage of your feelings. Two. I realized I love you but I am part of your past too."

"You...love me?" You blinked and tilted your head and he nodded.

"I realized it the more I began to think about everyone I have done wrong. You came into mind, and I realized it then."


"I know yo~"

"I still like you. No love you, always have." You said and his eyes widen.

"You do? After everything?"

"Yeah, you clearly changed for the better, no need to beat yourself up over it."

"So to make sure I understand, you are giving me a second chance?"

"Of course, we were kids then. Adults now," you said. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly to him. You wrapped your arms and smiled as you inhaled his scent and he buried his face in your hair.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance, you won't regret it."

"I know I won't, when it comes to you. I don't ever regret my decisions."

"Geez, you let me get away with so much."

"What can I say? I am stupid when it comes to my feelings for you."

"No kidding, but that's better than just being a fucking idiot."

"Very true, like you?"

"Okay, I deserved that." He looked down at you with a smile and you nodded.

"You did."

"Well, looks like Angel wants attention," he said and you both looked down seeing him look up at you guys. Haizaki grabbed the ball and threw it, which caused Angel to run after it.

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