Hara x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Change
NO Warning

Hara watched as you played volleyball with your team, he had his eyes on you the entire time. The way the spandex shorts clung to you, and the way your thighs jiggled when you dove for the ball. It was hot everything, especially when you ran, your breasts bounced up and down. His teammates knew of his small crush on you because after every practice he would go just to see you. You never showed any interest in him, but damn it he tried every time to get you to notice him.

"When are you going to actually talk to her?"

"Hmm, today..."

"Really? You said that last time," Yamazaki said shaking his head.

"Oh trust me, I am today. How can I not, damn look at her ass."

"Something is telling me you won't be doing much talking, but instead try getting in her pants."

"It will be both... I really do like her. Her skin is so smooth and soft."

"How do you know that?" Furuhashi asked and Hara glanced at him with a grin before popping his gum.

"Well we have a project, and I brushed my hands across her arm."

"That is creepy," Hanamiya said. He never knew his teammate result into being weird to the girl he likes. He even had enough since to not touch a girl without their permission.

"It wasn't like that, I tapped her because she had headphones in."

"The way you worded was weird," Yamazaki chimed on and Hara rolled his eyes. He knew they couldn't see his eyes but he did it anyway.

"Whatever... anyway. I really do like her, I don't just want her for sex."


"Yeah, if she asked me too. No if she even decides to start dating me I would delete every girl's number," his eyes followed your movement. In that moment you looked up at him, and you had a feeling he was staring at you. You averted your gaze before the coach had called a small break.

"What are you doing here Hara?" You questioned and he popped his gum.

"Well I figured we could work on our project after practice."

"Mm sure, we have to go to my house though. If I don't have the kitchen cleaned my mom is literally going to murder me." You said and he nodded before grabbing your water bottle.


"Don't do anything that will make her hate you."

"I won't, I am not gonna do anything without her permission." He said leaning against his hand watching as you talked with your teammates.

"(Y/N), are you really going to allow Hara go to your home?"

"Yeah, we really do got to finish the project."

"By the way he is staring at you, he has more than a school project on his mind." She whispered and you glanced at her.

"I mean.... I wouldn't completely object. I would give him a hard time, I mean look at him."

"He is trouble, their basketball team plays dirty, and he has tons of girls numbers..."

"I know..."

"If anyone could make him change for the better at least relationship wise, its (L/N), " your other friend said.

"What do you mean?"

"She has a special kind of love, that makes guys get drunk off of her. I think I seen even girls confess to her."

"Don't remind me..." the three of you laughed before the coach said that practice had to end early. You guys went to the girl's locker room to change before waving to your friends.

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