Cheater! Hanamiya x Savage! Reader

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Title: Anaconda
Warning: Cheating, heartbreaks, etc.

A/N: First if you are anything like me you thought of Nicki Minaj song Anaconda, and no it is not even close to it xD

It was in the third week you realized that Hanamiya didn't truly love you, in fact you caught him cheating. You were nothing more than a object to him, and he thought you were caught in his web. Sure you were quiet and kept to yourself, but you weren't exactly innocent. You just didn't know many people here, and didn't vibe with anyone either. But back in your (hometown, country), you were actually a savage. Queen of petty.

You were pissed that he played with your heart, but you refused to cry over a boy who can't even tell the truth. You decided instead that you would show him you could play the game better. You had went to your teacher and told her you didn't want her to add your exam scores to the board for everyone to see, and asked if she could grade fake papers of yours and made it seem like you were failing the class. She was confused but she nodded her head, just assuming you didn't want people to see how smart you were.

Once Hanamiya caught sight of your grades, thats when his verbal abuse came in. He would call you stupid, hit your head with his knuckle, not enough to cause damage but enough for it to hurt a bit. He would even call you ugly. It was hard to keep a straight face when he would call you dumb and tried to belittle you. He may have thought that you were caught in his web, but he didn't know that you were the one constricting him, like a anaconda.

"I can't come over today Mako~kun..." You said with a small blush and looked down.

"Tsked, where are you going?"

"I was going to hang out with my brother today. It's been awhile since I seen him."

"Whatever." He walked away and you had small smirk on your face going home. Tonight was a block party, and you dressed in your best dress. You knew he would be there, probably flirting with some bimbo, but you didn't care. Everything was in place, he had no idea that you were the one that threw the party. You did your hair, put on some make up and had a (f/c) tight dress that hugged all of your curves. It even showed off the tattoos that you hid very well, than wore some (s/f/c) heels. You grabbed your purse and met your 'date'. Your date was actually your best guy friend who transferred from the same school you went to.

"I can't believe he actually thought he was the one playing you."

"It's been four months, I just can't wait to see his face..."

"Should I expect to be kissed?"

"Unless you finally find you a date, yes."

"I will keep these lips clean just for you... I actually wanna see his face."

"Me too..." You both arrived at the party and you hugged his arm, you turned every head in the room. Just then the DJ you hired announced your presence.

"And the woman of the hour, who threw this amazing party. (L/N) (Y/N)."

"What?" You heard some people from school surprised that you were the one who threw it. Just than Hanamiya turned his head to you and your friend leaned down to kiss you deeply causing you giggle slightly. Acting was on point. You went to the DJ, and whispered something in his ear and he nodded.

"Well looks like our favorite artist, has a new song she wants to sing. For her loving boyfriend. I something tells me though it's not the one she came through the door with either," you glanced at Hanamiya who had confusion written on his face. You grabbed the mic, and spoke into it.

"It's funny, he looks so confused. See let me give you guys some background he thought he was slick, three weeks into our relationship I caught him cheating. It was a long time coming because its been about 4-5 months since we been dating. He had no clue, but I wasn't the one caught in his web. I was just constricting him until the time was right. Anyway here is my new single called Medicine..." The DJ began to play the music and you began to sing, as a big screen came down behind you, showing everyone he was cheating on you, the messages, your true grades on paper you got.

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