Hara x Reader

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You Title: Patience
No Warning

You clung to Hara as his family surrounded you, he was slightly irritated but kept you close to him. His family were asking a rush of questions and all he wanted to do was go to his room to work on the damn project that you both had to do.

"So are you dating him?" His little brother asked and you shook your head slightly.

"N-No, we are just school partners."

"Really? You are so pretty and so much better than the other girls he brings home," his mother said and you looked at Hara.

"Mom stop, geez. You guys are making her uncomfortable."

"W-We never talked really before being paired for this project," you looked down and Hara glanced at his family.

"We are going now, bye. Don't bother us."

"Did you guys want cookies or anything to drink."

"No mom, bye." Hara pulled you to his room and closed the door locking it so you both wouldn't be interrupted.

"Sorry about them."

"They think I am just another one of your hook up girls don't they?" You asked bluntly though the hurt in your eyes made him flinch.

"Honestly, probably. Sorry about that."

"Maybe we should have went to the library or something. I just want to finish this project."

"Okay..." Despite being a sweet and kind girl, you were rather blunt. You both worked hard on the project, you were very serious about your reputation. You hated being compared to girls who just get used and done with so it kinda hurt your pride.

"Hey are you upset?" Hara asked and you looked over at him before shrugging your shoulders slightly.

"Kinda, but nothing I can do."

"I really am sorry. I swear I would never do anything you were uncomfortable with," he said and you shrugged.

"I mean, I wouldn't exactly let you. I don't just sleep around with anyone. I have morals, not saying you don't. But you know..."

"Wow, you are seriously blunt. I thought you were sweet and kind."

"Eh, I am quiet. Others assume I am sweet and kind."

"You are, which is why I kinda like you," you looked at him unamused before shaking your head and went back to work.

"I am gonna assume you don't feel the same way."

"Even if I did, I don't really trust dating you."

"Why not? I mean yeah, I know I just sleep around and what not but if I was serious about a person I won't cheat or anything like that."

"Weren't you dating that one chick and she broke up with you because you slept with someone in the team council room?"

"To be fair we weren't really dating, she just kinda clung to me and told everyone we were dating."

"So you never corrected her?"

"No, I tried she ignored me," he said laying upside on his bed and stared at you, who was sitting on the floor.


"You don't believe me..."

"Sorry? I guess, but I try to keep distant from people that could ruin my reputation."

"I could?"

"With your reputation alone? Yes, yes you could."


"Let's focus on our homework, I want to be finished with it today," you said turning back to your laptop. Hara watched you for a few moments almost pouting slightly but he sat up and went back to work. He found it hard to focus, since all he could think about was you. He wanted to convince you to give him a chance so he could prove to you that he was serious. He began to bite on his pencil, no longer focused.

You glanced at Hara, and you could tell that you hurt his feelings. You didn't mean too, but you had too to protect yourself. You glanced down at your computer before sighing softly.


"What?" He asked confused and you didn't look at him.

"I realized how rude I sounded. I didn't mean too."

"It's okay, you made valid points."

"I did?"

"Yeah if I was you, I would be wary too, especially with the fiasco with my family. I can't blame you, I honestly really do like you though. I have for awhile."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I had a feeling you wouldn't share my feelings, so I decided to continue my antics with just playing around."

"I see..."

"If you want me to stop I can."

"What?" You looked at him and he wasn't looking at you.

"Do you want me too?"

"Hara, I don't~"

"Even if you don't share my feelings, I will still stop if you asked me too."

"Tsk, you think I am that selfish?"

"No, but that's how serious I am with my feelings."

"I-I am surprised honestly."

"So tell me you want me to stop. Please, if you do that means I have some type of chance."

"I can't tell you to stop if we aren't dating."


"Hara," he got off the bed and sat in front of you. You couldn't see his eyes but you knew he was staring at you longingly. You blushed and looked away from him sighing softly.

"What good if I told you to stop? If I don't share your feelings?"

"Do I really have no hope?"

"I don't know...this is a lot."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you into an answer."

"Just give me some time to think."

"Alright, to prove I am serious while you think I will stop everything and patiently wait for you."

"Hara, you don't have to."

"I want too."

"Geez... work on your part of the work." You shoved him and turned your back towards him. He was grinning slightly, it felt good to finally confess to you. Seeing how you acted he felt like he had atleast a small chance but he wasn't going to ruin it. He focused on his work, before hearing your book shut.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I think I am gonna go home now."

"We aren't done."

"No, but we don't have to finish it all in one day."

"So you will come back over?"

"No, you can come over my house. Your family scares me a bit."

"Fair enough, your family is more normal."

"My family is never around."

"Oh... sorry."

"Nah it's fine."

"Can I walk you home."

"No, it's not dark yet. See you at school," you left his room and he watched you. He let a small smile grace his lips before laying on his back sighing.

"I will get her to fall for me," he mumbled to himself.

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