Seto x Reader

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Title: Confessions
No Warning

You stood in front of the tired looking man, with a letter. You had your head down, hoping he would accept our confession. He looked at you tiredly, and he rubbed his neck sighing softly.

"S-Sorry to wake you Seto~san... but please accept my feelings," you shoved the letter into his hands and ran off. Your sudden confidence had jumped off the cliff the moment his basketball team came up to him. They were confused as to why you were giving him a letter.

"That is a surprise, (L/N) senpai, seems to be interested in Seto." Yamazaki said, a tad bit jealous.

"A cute girl like her wanting a brute like Seto, man..." Hara popped his gum and Seto rolled his eyes at his teammates.

"So are you going to accept it?" Hanamiya asked and Seto looked at the pink letter in his hands.

"Read the letter." Yamazaki encouraged and Seto shrugged slightly before opening it. It wasn't a letter at all, instead it was a picture of him sleeping on your lap. You had drawn and colored it to perfection.

"I was expecting a cringy love letter." Furuhashi said and everyone nodded, he flipped the picture over and saw your handwriting.

'If you accept my feelings, meet me underneath the tree in the school garden.



"She kept it short, simple and straight to the point." Yamazaki said and Seto thought about it.

"So, are you gonna go?"

"Nah, it would ruin her reputation to date me," Seto said simply. He gathered is school stuff and decided to head to the gym.

"Man, she is gonna be heart broken." Hara popped his gum and Seto shrugged again.

"She will get over it."

"Yikes..." Yamazaki said shaking his head, and everyone turned to him once Seto was gone.

"You know something..."

"I am neighbors with (L/N) senpai, she is really sensitive. She really likes him, she won't get over it." Yamazaki said.

"Seto likes her." Hanamiya said and his turned to him.


"Yeah, I had caught him glancing at her occasionally when she passes by or goes to our games."

"Yeah plus he would always smile slightly when she showed up to our games." Furuhashi added and Hara and Yamazaki faced palmed.

"A cute girl gonna be crying, maybe I should comfort her." Hara said but Yamazaki huffed.

"Not a chance, she trusts me more."

"Do you like her?"

"As a friend and neighbor."

"Yeah right..."

"I would never do anything so shallow when she is hurting," Yamazaki said rolling his eyes.

You waited patiently under the tree in hopes he would show up, you began to have doubt that he wouldn't show up. You felt tears brim your eyes and you sat in the grass, with your back against the tree. You had been waiting for a few hours now, you wanted to make sure he didn't show up since you knew he had basketball practice.

The sun began to set, and you realized he didn't return your feelings. You began sniffle and sob as you buried your face into your knees. You thought that maybe, just maybe he had some small feelings for you.

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