Imayoshi x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Senpai~ Part 1

You were a year behind Imayoshi, but that didn't mean you didn't catch his eye. Ever since he saw you the first day he knew he wanted you in more ways than one. The way your hair framed your face, your perfectly glossed lips smiling at everyone. Your scent always lingered when you passed him, or the way you swayed your hips unconsciously when you walked. You were very plumped, bigger than most girls in your class but your beauty was unmatched to the skinnier girls.

Your personality was just s beautiful as you were too. You were quiet most of the time, unless you were around your friends. You easily blushed, and got shy when guys flirt with you, hiding behind your friends. Everything about you he loved, so it wasn't out of the ordinary when began to formulate a plan to make you his. The plan wasn't too bad but he knew it could backfire and you end up hating him. He hoped that wasn't the case at all. The steps of the plan were rather simple.

Step 1: Wait until you are alone, mainly because your friends didn't trust him too much.

Step 2: Corner you in a hallway or classroom.

Step 3: Confess

Step 4: Not let you leave until you answer his confession

Step 5: If you accept his feelings, ask you out. If you reject him, make you fall for him.

In case you did reject him, he also formulated a plan steps to make you fall for him.

Step 1: If you reject him, he will ask to just be friends then. Which you will obviously agree.

Step 2: Do sweet things for you, take you out, buy you things. Help you with classes you struggle with.

Step 3: Hang out with you as much as he can and alone

Step 4: Show small signs of affection like hugs and kisses to the cheeks after awhile

It was the perfect plan, he had a feeling though he would have to use the steps to make you fall for him. After all, he never talked to you personally he just observed from a far.

It was the end of his basketball game, and he could have sworn he heard your voice. He looked around, and saw you talking on the phone. He glanced back at his team before you, he didn't want you to leave yet. He needed to put his plan into action, so he went to his coach.

"Hey coach, I need to take care of something, can I leave early?"

"It must be important, yeah since you hardly miss."

"Thank you," he walked off and waited for his team to be out sight. He watched you hoping you were alone, and when you hung up you were about to leave.

"Hey (L/N) wait up," he said and you stopped and saw him. You blinked confused since you only saw him in the hallways and at games.

"Yes senpai?"

"Can I talk to you? Somewhere, alone?" He asked with that smirk, that kinda made you uneasy.

"Uh yeah, sure but where?"

"Follow me," he led you to an empty locker room and opened the door for you. You walked in first, and he followed closing and locking the door. You turned to him tilting your head, and he walked closer to you.

"Senpai?" The way he stalked towards you caused you to back up until your back hit the locker. You were suddenly pinned to the lockers, and he had his arms on both sides of your head so you couldn't escape. Your heart rate began to increase as you blushed when his face was close to yours.

"I like you, a lot (L/N), would you accept my feelings for you?"

"W-What?" You were confused since the captain of the basketball team was interested in you. He leaned his face closer to yours causing you to feel heat rise to your cheeks.

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