Hanamiya x Reader

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Title: Love Always Find Away 1/2
No Warning

You took in several deep breaths before pushing the doors to the gym open. You were honestly fed up with Hanamiya. He didn't treat you like a girlfriend at all, in fact you would barely consider yourself a friend to him. You had refused to lose yourself for someone that clearly didn't care of your feelings or you.

"(Y/N)?" Hanamiya glanced at you as you walked up to him. You knew he was good at playing the victim so you refused to allow him to do it now. You took a deep breath and stared at him before allowing the words that you practiced all day flow from your lips.

"We are breaking up. I can't do this anymore. I refuse to allow you to continue to treat me the way you have been treating me. You are the worst of them all, and quite honestly, there is no love for you anymore. I am numb, I look at you and all I want to do is puke. Don't bother apologizing, sorry I almost laughed at that. You apologize? And actually mean it yeah right. Anyway, bye..." You turned away from him and began to walk away. Once you left the gym, you were surprised how well that went. You thought for sure you would cave, or not tell him what you wanted. You held your chest, and for once you felt free from him.

You kinda felt bad for his mom though, since she absolutely adored you. You got a long so well with his mom, and for awhile there he was happy about it. You wonder what he would tell his mom now. Would he blame you? Would she believe him? You didn't care, your mental state was more important. You deserved to be treated right, you gave a 110% while he barely did 5%.

Hanamiya stood there surprised, he couldn't even get a word out. By the time he was able to process everything, you were already gone. A piece of him broke, but you couldn't tell on his face. He didn't expect you to break up with him, he knew he sucked at showing affection and telling you what he felt. He thought he portrayed it enough though, apparently not though. He could feel his teammates eyes on him, typically he would have laughed it off and found another girlfriend. But he didn't want another girlfriend, he wanted you. His mother was extremely fond of you and she was extremely happy that you both were dating. What was he suppose to tell her now? That he ruined the relationship because he wasn't able to show you his true feelings?

"Captain, might want to run after her..." Yamazaki said, everyone could tell that he was a bit happier with you. He always thought he liked stupid girls, but you were someone that changed that. You didn't need him, you just wanted him and he liked that. You were never too clingy, and typically understood how busy his schedule was. He knew exactly what he did, but he thought it was fine.

"Don't just stand there, don't let your pride get in the way. We all can tell that you truly love her." Hara popped his gum, finally coming to his senses he dropped the basketball and ran after you. He ran as fast as he could before seeing you in the distance, after running to catch up to you he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Wait, (Y/N)..."

"Let go..."

"Please hear me out, I am sorry," he said and you stayed silent waiting for the taunting to come but it never did.

"You don't mean it, you never do."

"I mean it this time, I am sorry. Please, give me another chance."

"Why even try? You always cancelled our dates, I understood for basketball. But you started canceling for the girls in our class. To help them, when they don't even need your help. They talked about me, you never said or did anything. You laughed when one of them called me an idiot, knowing very well, I am not. I am right behind you in our class. I was never clingy, but I do want to be held. I hardly get your attention because you are busy giving it to other girls."


"Did you know this is the first time that you actually hugged me and wrapped your arms around me since we dated? Out of six months, this is the first time we ever hugged. Do you know how sad that is?" You moved out of his arms and turned around to look at him.

Hanamiya didn't know what to say, he never realized the things he was doing was physically hurting you. Now that he thought about it, you were right, he never hugged you. Cuddled you. Kissed you. He didn't even know the last time he said he loved you.

"I told you I loved you more times then I can count, but you never once said you loved me back."

"I didn't think I needed to tell you. I know that's bad on my behalf, I should have told you. I do love you, I just suck at showing affection. But I do love you."

"Is this another joke of yours? I am not for it, find another girl that is willing to waste her time on you. I am not stupid and I am not going to lose my self worth by staying with you."

"No this isn't. I swear, I don't want another girl. I want you. I swear I-"

"Save it, maybe in the future I will be willing to give you a second chance. Right now, my mom said it best. I am still young, no need to rush dating. This is final, sorry Hanamiya but I just can't right now. I loved you, a lot. More than anything, and I really had hoped this would work. But I also meant what I said, looking at you now makes my stomach turn," you gently squeezed his shoulders before turning away for good.

"Don't worry also, I am transferring schools. So if you were serious about your feelings for me, it will be easier for you to move on. So I won't be here tomorrow. Today was my last day." With that you left out of his life for good, leaving him there. He was use to causing pain to everyone else, but being on the receiving end he didn't like it. He felt a foreign wetness on his cheek, and he touched his face. He was crying, he never cried. He didn't know what was going on but he didn't like it. He couldn't find his voice to call out to you. His world without you was nothing, he use to only he black and white but you brought color to his life. Now that you were gone, the colors were gone and his world had shattered. He felt alone again, a feeling he never knew he would end up hating but he does.

Instead of going back to practice he walked home, feeling numb and empty. Alone. He hoped his mother wasn't home, he didn't want to see the disappointment on her face. Much to his dismay she was home, and cooking.

"You are home ear~ Mako, what is wrong?"


"You are crying..."

"I'm not..."

"Talk to me..." he could hear the worry in her voice and she pushed him into a chair and made him some tea.

"She broke up with me..."


"It's my fault, I didn't treat her as my girlfriend. Barely a friend. It's all my fault."

"You really love her."

"She won't accept my apology, she is transferring schools. I don't, I don't like this feeling mom." He looked up, complete helpless, and she wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Listen, even if it was your fault its okay to hurt."

"She was perfect...."

"Yeah, I can tell how much you loved her and her you. If it was meant to be though, Love always find a way."

"But I doubt this will."

"It may just not be the time now, maybe she isn't the one, maybe she is. Just let mother nature run its course." She hugged her son and he hugged her tightly, he never felt so weak before and he hated it. 

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