Kiyoshi x Reader

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Title: Marry Me 1/2
Fluff and Angst
No Warning: Story inspired by "Marry Me"-Thomas Rhett music video.

You were 7 years old, and had several stuffed animals lined up and you had a bunch of dandelions in your hand. You had a pink dress with a big bow in your hair and your mother's heels and pearls on. You Pretended to walk down the isle with a big smile. Kiyoshi peeked in through the window wanting you to come out in play, but he saw you. He smiled slightly before shaking his head and grabbed his basketball before running off.

You both were now 14 years old, and hanging out in your room. Your head was on his lap as he was watching t.v. you were scrolling through your phone. Kiyoshi had a slight crush on you but he didn't want to ruin anything so he kept quiet. He looked down at you and he had a small smile on his face. You felt his gaze and looked up at him flashing him a bright smile.


"Nothing, just watching you."

"Tsk dork..." You tossed a pillow in his face with a small blush.

"Hey (Y/N)?"


"Do you want to get married someday?"

"Doesn't every girl?"

"Do you have it planned?"

"Where is this coming from?"

"I just overheard some girls talking about their ideal wedding day."

"Ah well yeah, I want something small and simple. I don't wanna cost my parents so much money. Maybe my grandad can be the preacher, maybe out in the country."

"That is really simple, but it suits you."

"How about you?" You asked with your head tilted to the side and he smiled.

"I don't care how the wedding is, I just want to get married and have a beautiful family."

"I am surprise, most guys don't think that way... especially our age."

"Well, my parents tells me stories about their wedding and how they met all the time. So it's only natural."

"That's true," you smiled and Kiyoshi stroked your hair slightly.

You and Kiyoshi were now 16 years old, and you had went to one of his games. You called his name before the game and he turned around to look at you and waved. You turned around and pointed to your homemade shirt that had his last name and the number 7 on it. You turned around and he had a small blush but shook his head with a wide smile giving you a thumbs up. After the game which they won, the team met up for dinner which you joined.

You sat beside him and you both were laughing and you went to steal some of his shake but he moved the straw from you. You tried again before biting the straw when he tried to move it away. It caused the straw to leave the cup and some of the shake flicked on his face, causing you to laugh.

"They are so cute together," Riko whispered as they watched each other.

"I heard they been friends since they were five staying close to each other."

"Hey Teppei, (Y/N), we are going to head out real quick." Riko said wanting to give you both some alone time. You both nodded not minding and everyone got up to get some fresh air. You both fell into a comfortable silence and he slowly moved his hand on top of yours to hold it. You looked down at your fingers with a small blush but smiled before meeting his eyes. Your heart was racing as he slowly leaned in to kiss you, once your lips were only centimeters apart, Hyuga and Kogenei hit the window causing you both to jump apart.

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