Midorima x Reader x Takao

744 10 2

Title: Ice Cream Date
No Warning

You were in the process of doing your homework, and studying for your upcoming tests when your phone began to ring. You let a sigh out and looked over at it, only to see a familiar name that made you smile.

"Takao, what do you want?" You answered and you could have sworn you heard his pout.

"What are you doing right now?"


"Come outside, me and Shintarou want to go on an ice cream date with you."

"Eh!? Already!? I am not dressed!"

"We will wait, but I am sure you lo-" you had already hung up and let your messy hair down before hopping in the shower. You wasn't about to go on a date with your favorite two people in the world looking the way you did.

"She hung up on me." Takao said with a pout and Shintarou adjusted his glasses.

"Well we did kind of spring this onto her, she probably didn't have any intentions of leaving the house, nandaou..."

"She probably looks fine though."

"Of course she does, she probably doesn't think so though," Takao puffed his cheeks as they waited for you.

You had already showered and began to style your hair, and did your make up but you made sure it was light. You then put on (f/c) dress before grabbing your wallet and phone before heading out. You saw them waiting for you and they both stared at you with small blushes on their faces.

"You look really pretty." Takao said kissing your cheek, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you." You returned the kiss to his cheek before leaning up and kissing Shintarou on the cheek as well. He looked away though he held your hand in his head. Shintarou was the very definition of a tsundere but you knew that he cared for you and Takao. Takao took your hand as well and smiled widely.

"You guys look very handsome," Takao had a bright smile and Midorima was a blushing mess.

"Told you Shin~chan...you look really handsome. He was really concerned about it."

"Shut up, I was not, nandaou,"

"You were, you changed like three times before finally settling for an outfit."

"Did he settle or did you force him to settle by kissing him?"

"...." Both boys were blushing and you grinned before pouting.

"You guys always kiss each other without me around," you pouted and both boys eye's widen.

"We are sorry, we just mmff." Midorima had shut Takao up by kissing him, since you looked like you were about to cry. The sudden action shocked Takao and you, you both were blushing. Takao wrapped his arms around Midorima's neck and instantly began to kiss back.

"G-Guys I was joking, we are in public!" You said hiding your face, your heart wasn't ready for that. Midorima parted and adjusted his glasses, and he had a slight smirk on his face. Takao cleared his throat, he was the one that normally initiated the kisses with Midorima so he was blushing hard.

"There you have now witnessed it nandaou."

"Y-Yeah...." you quickly turned away from him and began walking, Takao and Midorima looked at each other and had the same idea. Takao wrapped his arms around you tightly and picked you up.

"Hey! Put me down what are you doing?"

"You know, we haven't kissed you like that? We always kiss your cheek we could al~"

"Not in public you don't." You said slightly horrified since there were a lot of people out.

"So mean (N/N)..." Takao said and you puffed.

"Put me down, I want our ice cream date."

"Alright. Later we will..."

"Not in public..." Both males were quiet and you knew they were secretly plotting something so you grew suspicious. After finally arriving at the ice cream parlor you got (f/f) ice cream cone, and they got theirs. You three left and decided to head to the park since it was nice out.

"You guys won't ditch me to play basketball will you?" You noticed them looking at the basketball court.

"What? No, we have something plan..." Midorima said looking at you, before noticing you had ice cream on the corner of your lips. Takao noticed it too on his side and they shared a glance. You didn't notice going to eat more of your ice cream, but Midorima gently grabbed your hand.

"What's wrong?" You asked but you suddenly felt two tongues lick the corner of your mouth before Takao kissed you on your lips. You let a small gasp out and he ended up using this chance to deepen it before parting. Midorima soon claimed your lips not giving you the option to complain. You felt your knees grow weak and when he parted they both were wearing similar smirks. You hid your face with your hair feeling embarrassed.


"It's only fair, we kiss each other like that, we want to kiss you like that..."

"In public?"

"Now everyone knows you are ours, nandaou."

"Gosh..." You didn't know what else to say but you were smiling. Even though they did things like this you really do love those two idiots, one being more of an idiot then the other.

"I love you two."

"We love you too and we are never letting you go." Takao said and Midorima nodded his head.

"Good, because you both are stuck with me. So don't even think about trying to leave," you tossed your paper that held the cone before grabbing both boys hands. You gave them each a kiss on the lips and smiled widely.

"We should go back so we can cuddle." You suggested and both boys nodded.

"Are your parents home?" Midorima asked and you shook your head.

"Just us, we can watch a movie and cuddle and eat more ice cream."

"Seems good with me, you Shin~chan?"

"I have nothing else to do..."

"You mean nothing else better to do because we are the best things to you." You told him and Takao nodded in agreement.

"Yeah sure..."

"Such a tsundere."

"I am not."

"Yes you are. That's why we love you..." You said and Midorima huffed slightly.

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