Aomine x Chubby! Reader

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Title: Squishy and Soft
Warning: Slight sexual mentions but nothing extreme

You felt two strong arms wrap around your waist, and you knew exactly who it was. It was your best friend, Aomine Daiki. You both had been close friends since before Momoi joined in, and met her through Daiki. You and Momoi were close friends, and did all the girl things together. Though Daiki always got slightly jealous because you spent most of your time with her instead of him.

"(Y/N), since you completely ignored me last week skip class with me today."

"I can't..."

"Please, you have like perfect attendance, plus I want to sleep."

"You don't need me to sleep."


"Dai-kun..." he had picked you up and carried you over his shoulder to the roof.

"O-Oi, put me down."


"Daiki set me down now..."


"I am heavy put me down, this is embarrassing." All you heard was him clicking his tongue and waited until you both were on the roof before he set you down.

"Heavy my ass."

"Oh shut up, you are annoying."

"Says the one that always says the same thing when I pick her up." He rolled his eyes and pushed you to sit down before he settled himself into your lap.

"It's the truth though, anyway you just want me to skip so you can sleep on me?"

"Yes, I like laying on your thighs."

"I am not your pillow."

"That is debatable."

"Daiki~I am... wait what are you doing!?" He had laid you down on your back and placed his head on your chest.

"Using you as a pillow."


"Yes, not even god himself lays on a pillow so soft." He buried his face into your breasts and nuzzled them. Your face turned a bright red, and you tried to push him off.

"Dude, stop being a pervert."

"I can't help it, I enjoy laying here," you sighed softly before running your hands through his blue hair. He sighed softly, before he rubbed your sides gently. You closed your eyes deciding to fall asleep with him, you didn't notice but Aomine was working up a scheme. He smirked slightly before turning his head and bit your boob, causing you yelp and smack him,

"What the hell Daiki."

"Sorry, it was tempting."

"Tempting my ass, you are suppose to go to sleep." You growled but he lifted himself up and hovered over you. You blinked and blushed when he stared down at your face before his eyes trailed down your body. You began to feel a little self cautious of his eyes. He then met your eyes again, and leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You blushed as he slowly began to kiss you. He kept it slow and gentle to test the waters, but once you started to kiss back he began to get more rough.

His hands trailed down to your waist and trailed up your skirt. You gasped as he gripped your thighs slightly, and squeezed them. He then broke the kiss, and began to kiss down your neck. You gasped and gripped his shirt slightly and he began to unbutton your school shirt.

"Wait, Aomine, stop..."


"We are at school, we shouldn't do this here. Plus on top of everything, doing this as friends can change everything."

"So what... on both of those."

"I-Idiot, stop." He pulled away completely and stared at you as you sat up.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"I don't mind ruining the friendship." Your mouth dropped open and you slapped him across his face, and Aomine froze. You had never slapped him and you huffed slightly.

"What do you mean you don't mind ruining our friendship!?"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I meant if it means we can date, instead of being friends I don't mind tossing the friendship away if we get into a relationship." He said in defense, and it took you a few moments before you blushed.

"O-Oh, sorry."

"Geez, you never slapped me in the face so hard before." He grumbled and you gently placed your hand on his now throbbing cheek.

"Sorry, I misunderstood."

"I will consider forgiving you, if you let me lay on you again and go out with me." Aomine said and you blushed but nodded your hair.

"That is a fair request." You said with a smile and laid down and he laid his head on your chest again. This time he had ever intention of falling asleep, and it helped that you started to stroke his hair.

"Mine..." He mumbled and you chuckled softly.

"Soft and squishy the way I like it, every part."

"Watch it..." He cracked a smile, and you soon heard him snoring. 

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