Little! Murasakibara x Older! Sister Reader

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Title: Mine!
No Warning

You watched as your younger brother ate his snacks, you shook your head. You didn't know where he put all of the food, but he was a literal black hole. The thought made you laugh causing him to tilt his head at you.

"(Y/N)~nee-chin~ why chu laughing?"

"You are just so cute," the purple haired boy blushed and hid behind his bag of chips.

"No! Chu are..."

"Gah why do you have to be so adorable?" You laid on the floor with him which made him lean against you.

"Nee~chin, want some?" He held the bag out to you.

"You are going to share? With me?"

"Yeah, nee~chin didn't eat today," he took out a chip and you opened your mouth as he fed you. You ate it pretending to eat his hand in the process.

"Nom nom nom nom..."


"My little chipmunk is yummy... nom nom nom nom..."

"Nuuuu chu can't eat me! Eat the chippies!" He held the bag out causing you laugh as he looked like he was going to cry.

"No, you eat them..." You said pulling him into your lap."

"Chu won't eat me?"

"I would never really eat you silly," you began to tickle his sides causing him to laugh and roll around.

"Hahahah nee~chin, stop it... hahahahahah..."

"Mmm I don't wanna, you are so cute when you laugh." Murasakibara looked up at you and finally escaped your tickling hands. He suddenly jumped on you causing you to fall back.

"Tickle attack!" He yelled and began to tickle your sides, you tried to stop the strings of laughter but your sides were just as ticklish.

"Hey now!" You laughed harder before picking up and hugging him to you. He was laughing too before grabbing his snacks again and laid against your chest.

"I love Nee~chin..."

"I love Sushi..."

"Sushi is good!"

"Doofus, I meant you..."

"Oh... but call me chipmunk!" He puffed his cheeks out causing him to look exactly likeone.

"Okay, okay chipmunk it is." He smiled widely before yawning.


"Mm can Nee~chin sleep with me?"

"Of course... let me put your snacks on the table." You cleaned up after your bother before picking him up. You carried him to your room and he crawled under the sheets. You laid down beside him, which allowed him to cuddle you tightly.

"Mine..." he said as his small arms tried to hug you. You chuckled softly and hugged him tightly as you both fell asleep.

Your mother and father came home from work and realized how quiet the house was, they looked at each other before going to your room. There was the most adorable sight ever. Murasakibara was sucking on his thumb while sleeping on top of you as you laid on your back holding him close.

Your mother took several pictures before closing the door silently, to let the two of you rest until it was dinner time. After a few hours, you felt small pats on your cheek and you mumbled hugging Murasakibara tighter to you.



"I'm hungry..."

"Go get food..."

"Dinner is done."

"Go eat.."

"I want chu to eat too."

"I wanna sleep..."

It was silent and you considered that the okay to sleep, but your eyes flew open when you heard sniffles. You looked down and Murasakibara was crying and rubbing his eyes before tugging on your shirt.

"Why are you crying?"

"Nee~chin doesn't want to eat with me..."

"Oh crap, of course I want to eat with you."

"Chu rather sleep."

"I am coming, lets go eat..." You said picking him up again. He hugged your neck and smiled widely placing a big kiss to your cheek.

"Gross, you got slobber all over my cheek Chipmunk."

"Hehe sowwy." He wiped your cheek off with his shirt and you sighed but smiled slightly.

"I don't know what I am going to do with you."

"Eat with me, and be my big sister forever."

"I will always be your big sister!"

"Good, no one can have you. You are mine, I won't share you with anyone."

"Even if I get boyfriend?" He looked at you super unimpressed.

"I will bite him hard, he isn't allowed around you. Mine." He hugged your neck tightly.

"You tell her Atsushi...she isn't allowed to have a boyfriend right?"

"Yeah. She doesn't need a boyfriend! She has me, and daddy. We are enough, I don't wanna share her with anyone else.

"I do want to get married geez, can't run off every guy."

"Yes I can! Marry me instead."

"Can't do that!"

"Yes huh!"

"Do you even know what marriage is doofus?"

"Nope, I just know that you spend time with the person you love forever and ever! I love nee~chin soooooooooooo much almost as much as snacks."

"Wait a minute, I come second to snacks..."

"Hmmmm no first.... I can't marry snacks. Or can I?" He began to think, and you began to laugh with your parents as you sat him in his high chair.

"Oh geez, looks like the boys better watch out for Atsushi..." You mother chuckled and he nodded.

"Yeah I will crush them!"

"I am kinda scared how my son will turn out when he is bigger and older." Your mother said and you nodded.

"Me too..."

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