Takao x Reader

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Title: First Love
No Warning

You were laughing with your new friends that you made after transferring schools. Today was your third day at Shutoku, and you were quite popular. You didn't really care about social status though, and treated everyone with respect. That may have been the reason why you caught the attention of a certain basketball player. He knew he was in love the moment, you flashed him a smile. He wasn't even sure if you even knew that you did it, you had a habit of smiling at everyone. 

Takao sighed as he laid his head on his desk watching you. He was typically really smooth, and didn't really have a problem with flirting with girls. You were a different story, he felt like you were just so unapproachable because of how perfect you seemed. Takao was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear Midorima come up to him, to get him for basketball practice. 

"Oi, Takao... Takao... are you coming? Hey, don't ignore me..." Midorima adjusted his glasses and groaned as he followed Takao's eyes. He should have known, Takao never shut up about you causing Midorima to groan every time. 

"Why don't you just talk to her already?" 


"This is ridiculous..." Midorima grumbled and walked to you, tapping your shoulder. You turned to meet Midorima's gaze and tilted your head.

"Hello Midorima,"

"Good afternoon, (L/N). Can you please help me get Takao to go to basketball practice?"

"How can I help?" You asked, as you waved to your friends who decided to go ahead and leave. 

"I am trying to get him to go to practice but he is too focused on you, Nandayo~"

"Me?" You turned your head only to find that he was staring at you dreamily. You blushed slightly before turning towards the tall green haired boy. 

"Yes you, drag him by the ear if you have to." 

"Uhm, okay. I can try." 

"Thanks," with that, he left to go to practice. You walked towards Takao who was still completely zoned out. It was only when you called his name and shook him that he snapped out of his daze.

"Takao... you have basketball, you are going to be late." 

"Huh? Oh crap, oh hey (L/N)~" he felt heat rise to his cheeks when he noticed how close your face was. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, and you rubbed your neck laughing softly. 

"Midorima told me to get you to practice, since you completely ignored him." 

"Seriously? He was here?"

"You didn't notice him? He was right there, like three minutes ago. He already left." 

"Oh crap, I am going to hear it from him later," Takao sighed and packed his bag, and you couldn't help but laugh. That was music to his ears, and he beamed slightly as he watched you.

"Well let's go dork, I don't want to be scolded by him tomorrow if you are late. He gave me the task to drag you to practice," you said laughing slightly. Takao froze and just watched you as you laughed, he smiled before holding his arm out.

"Then drag me!" 

"Wait seriously? Come on..." 

"Or else Shin~chan will scold you."

"You are unbelievable~!" You exclaimed and he had that wide grin on his face and you face palmed. 

"Fine..." You grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the gym. Takao had a wide grin, and ended up tangling his fingers with yours. You blinked noticing the action and stopped pulling him, and turned to meet his eyes.

"What are you doing?" 

"Holding your hand..."


"You grabbed my hand first..." 

"You- You told me to pull you though." 

"I know, but it's more comfortable like this. Stay during practice by the way."

"Takao, what the heck is going on through that head of yours?" You asked, and he flashed you a grin.

"You as my girlfriend." 

"Wha~" he pecked your cheek and ran to the gym, leaving you stunned. 

"Wait! You can't just do that!" You ran after him, but froze once you got to the gym, your eye twitched as Takao stuck his tongue out at you with a grin.

"Look guys! My girlfriend is here to support me!" He yelled and your face turned red as everyone turned towards you!"

"What the hell Takao, I am going to kill you! You didn't even ask me!" You huffed and crossed your arms and he smirked at you.

"I guess you just have to wait until after practice," he said pointing to the stands. You scoffed and went to leave but you heard him whine.

"Wait, (L/N) san~ if he focuses during practice please stay," Otsubo said and you turned around looking at him.

"Will I be compensated for my time waiting on that idiot?"

"We are heading out for barbeque after practice."

"Great it's on you senpai!" You went to the stands and Takao puffed his cheeks realizing you were staying for free food and not him.

"Be lucky I love you (Y/N) chin!" 

"We aren't on~ugh whatever, I may or may not like you to!" You yelled back and he smiled widely. You smiled to yourself texting your mom that you will be with some friends after school and will be late coming home.

A/N: This took me all day to write, and I just my brain is fried. Writer's block has been hitting hard. If you enjoyed it, consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi.com/aurorapetals

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