Season 3!

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Hey guys! WOW, I can not believe it. I've actually written season 2! It's crazy that I've even managed to get this far. I still can't believe it.  

Usually, here, I'd type out the most important details of the season, and mention some notes and things. Most importantly I'd announce the next season's air date. This time however I will be discussing a few small changes, that you have most probably noticed already as well as thank you all. 

So let me begin by saying a huge huge thank you for your guys' support, it truly means the world. I especially want to thank those who take the time to comment as well as message me. I love hearing your theories as well as coming to learn that you too find joy in some of my ships with the sisters. To be completely honest, your comments and message, and support is what keeps me going, I can not thank you all enough! 

As far as changes go. As you may have noticed, the girls have new designs now. I've always seem to notice that people mix up the girls with MLP (My little pony) characters. while yes there is clear mlp involvement the girls are not equestria girls.  Those are their human forms. I guess using mlpeg bases really caused a mix up. So as of today they now have new designs, which I shall be sharing. 

It is not a big change, but still a change! They as well got new outfits for season 3, which you can see at the very top

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It is not a big change, but still a change! They as well got new outfits for season 3, which you can see at the very top. 

I would also like to briefly mention the age spoiler. I've posted about it as well as put a disclaimer in the beginning. To this day I do not know how to feel about it.  I won't go into any more detail as I don't feel like talking bout it much. What I will say is that I am extremely sad that such a huge spoiler had to be given about the girls, however, on the other hand, I try to keep in mind that this is a way for you guys to get more theories. So maybe there is a positive side to it.  Either way, it is sad that nowadays people do not distinguish the line between fiction and reality. 

About the actual release of season 3. I am currently in my last year of high school, would exams coming right up. So it is a no-brainer that I will actually be disappearing till July. My exams start in May and finish somewhere in June. Then we of course have graduation, UNI applications, jobs, most likely moving, and so on and so forth.  So I apologize that I may be absent for a while. I do feel bad, because I wish I spent more time on this story when I had the chance. 

I am not sure when I'll be airing the new season. I was hoping all my readers could vote on it. So please, comment your response down below. 

As of today, I have two options for you all: Would you prefer me to set an air date when I know I'll be able to write and will have pre-written a few chapters ahead, so that everything is consistent (for example to post updates every week.) OR would you prefer me to post inconsistently as soon as I finish writing a chapter, having no idea when the next one will be? 

Comment your thoughts, I'd love to hear them. 

Again, thank you all for such an amazing experience. This has truly been a wild and fun ride for me. I must say, this fanfic has given my writing major improvement. Which you might not see here as much, I do write a lot behind the scenes, for those wondering. There is a lot I want to write. 

Also, thank you for the amazing fanart I have received!

Another thing, feel free to comment your ideas, theories, or wishes for season 3. 

This is my story, I can do what I want.  I can add the foot clan in the beginning chapters of season 3.

So again, if you have any wishes, please let me know and don't forget to comment which of the 2 options about the airing of season 3 you'd prefer. 

Thank you all so so so much for this experience and for the endless support. Believe me, it means the world to me. It is what keeps me going.  Thank you for understanding. Once you guys comment your thoughts on the airing, I'll post the update with an official release date. 

Again thank you all so much. Love ya!

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