I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman

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And here was there beloved Sensei medatating camly, until his calm was broke

"Guys, guys, get in your spot!" Mikey yelled
"All right, Mikey, but this is the last time!" Donnie said
"But don't flip me this time" Leo said "Ate too much cheese"
"And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles!" Mikey said hapily
"You will get in trouble!" Martyna stated
"No we won't" Mikey said
" You will, but we warned you" Simona said
"I can't believe he talked us into this" Raph said as they where all on the floor
"Ya! Booyakasha!" Mikey jumped "What is going on in here?"
"Sensei!" They all jumped up
"Whoa!" Mikey screamed as he crashed into his brothers and they all fell into a big pile of mutants. There sisters imedatly ran next to them and and helped them up
"How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?" Sensei stated
"None, Sensei" Mikey said
"I shouldn't have to tell you!" Sensei was angry
"You're right, Sensei. We definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished. Eh, some." Leo said
"And what do you think would be a fitting punishment?" Sensei asked
" Well, uh" he looked at his brothers who where lookinv away
"We we should clean up our mess? And then think about what we did" Leo said
"Yeah" They all said
"Sounds about right"
"We were wrong"
"Wouldn't want to do too much"
"No worries"

"What about being grounded for a week?" Sensei asked
"Oh, I'm not sure that's" Leo starte
"I'm cool with the thinking" Mikey said
"Really, that's not necessary." Leo finished
"Maybe next time" Donnie said
"You're grounded for a week!" The trail rack behind them fell down and made a big crash
"Wait! So there grounded?" Urte asked
"Yes" Sensei said
"And were not?" She asked
"Yes" he awenser
"So we can go up top, alone?" She asked
"What why?!" She was surprised
"You are still young girls, and knowing the things that are after you, you shouldn't leave without your brothers" Sensei finished
"But Sensei... don't you have faith in us?" Simona asked sadly
"I have plenty.I am not discriminating you, but you are still young ladies, maybe after a while you can go alone" he finished
"And when will that be?" Martyna asked
"When your brothers gain experience" he said as the girls looked at there brothers " and they say you 4 are ready" Sensei left
"UGH!" The girls where annoyed

"Gah!" Raph kept pasing back and fort
"This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!" He was angry
"We warned you" Urte fliped through her megazine
"Guys, guys! You wanna see what I made?" Donnie ran in
"This is how bored I am" Raph turned to his other siblings then turned back to Donnie
"Yes, Donnie.I do"
"Ok, ok, ok! Remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?" Donnie asked
"No" Raph said
"No? Well, I found an incredibly advanced A.I.microchip, made from Get this! Self-assembled chain-linked copolymers! That's my favorite kind of copolymer!" Donnie said
"Mine too!" Simona looked up from her book
"And I used it to make this.The most advanced music player in the world"
"Whoa" Martyna said
"Whoa" Mikey followed
"So who wants to try it?" Donnie asked
"I do!" Mikey said "Toss me the Tpod" "The Tpod?" Donnie asked
"Turtle.Pod.Tpod.I am so good at naming stuff" Mikey said and put the headphones in
"You're really gonna plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into Mikey's head? What if it melts his brain?" Raph said
"It won't. And even if it did, who'd know the difference?" Donnie said
Mikey clicked the play button and started screaming
"What? What's wrong?" Donnie got worried
"It's polka! Make it stop! Make it stop!" He screamed as Donnie came and switched the song
"Thanks. Mm! Mm!" Mikey started dancing to the music
"Wow so you legit went with those 2?" Raph turned to Urte
"Well yeah! I found a pretty cool thing" she smiled
"And good thing I fixed it just in time" Simona pulled out a camera " There good as new" she handed it to Urte
"Yay! Thank you so much" she smiled
"Your welcome" Simona smiled back
"Say cheese" Urte said before taking a picture of Raph
" Oh! And I fixed this MP3 player" she handed it to Martyna
"SWEET!" She grabed it
"I put your favorite songs on it, If you want we can add more later" Simona said
"Oh thank you!!" Martyna hugged her sister
"Nice work Simona!" Donnie smiled, she looked at him coldly
"You too"
Donnie frowned at her response
"That's it.I gotta get out of here" Raph started walking out
"Where are you going? We're grounded" Leo tried to stop him
"I don't care.I gotta do something or I'm gonna go nuts! Let's find a skate spot!" Raph said
"Skate spot? I'm totally in!" Mikey said
"But what's Splinter gonna say?" Leo asked
" "I don't know what's going on, because they snuck out while I was asleep."" Raph said
" Heh.Real mature.But I'm your leader.And as your leader, I say nobody's going" Leo stated
"Well as your followers, we're going anyway" Raph said as everyone else started follwing him out
"Well as your leader, I'm going with you. To lead you.Away from bad stuff" Leo sounded kinda lame.
We heard Mikey scream
"What's wrong?" Simona asked
"It's back to polka!" Mikey screamed
"We've got to get some more tunes on this!" Simona changed the song.

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