Mousers Attack!

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The turtles were praticing in the dojo, as they're sisters watched them
"What? Are you fighting a guy in slow motion?" Raph asked Leo who was a bit behinde
"I suppose I could do it faster if I ignored my form, like you." Leo said
"Ignore this form!" Raph said jumping at Leo, Donnie and Mikey stoped to watch
"Not this again..." Iveta said to herself
"Why do they hate each other so much?" Martyna asked, Sensai stopped they're fighting
"Competition is an excellent motivator but not when it turns you against each other.So now, you will spar four on four. Girls get up here" Said Sensai, as the girls got up and stood beside
"Okay, I'll take Don..." Leo started
"You will take Raphael.You two must focus on working together, not competing with each other.Urte Iveta you will fight be Leo's and Raph's side, I know how much you four love to fight" Sensai stated
"But Leo and Iveta don't fight?" Mikey asked
"He didn't mean it like that shellbrain"Simona awesered
"Okay, so me and Raph and our girls against Mikey, Mari, Simona and Donnie? Uh, isn't that a little unfair?" Leo asked
"Wait, what are you trying to say?" Donnie said
"Um, how can I put this gently? We're way better than you guys. Not to offend, but Urte fight's better than Mikey" Raph smiled at Urte
"Since she takes after you know, me. Amd even Iveta being the cry baby she is fight better than you four" Raph said as he rufffled Iveta's hair up
"At fighting, maybe." Mikey said
"Uh, that's what I meant." Raph awensered
"Oh? Fine." Mikey and Donnie were furiuos, Simona and Martyna were more mad at Raph for saying that
"Hajime!" Sensai shouted, Leo and his team won with ease.
"Ya me!"
"You were right, sensei.Working together is fun." Said Raph
"It isn't very fun hurting our siblings..." Iveta said
"Oh come on" Raph grabbed her into a one arm hug ruffuling her head
"You have to have a demon side" He kept rufffuling her head
"Raph.... please stop..." Iveta asked politely, but he didn't stop, Leo didn't know what to do, Raph wasn't mean to her, for once
"Okay I think that's enough" Urte smiled, as soon as Raph let go of her
"Now I need to redo my ponytail..." Iveta looked at the floor
"Come on, let's go get your hairbrush" Leo said walking out with Iveta
"Nice kicks" Donnie turned to Simona
"Well we lost... so.." Simona still wasn't to comfortable with Donnie
"OMG! Hold that pose!" Urte shouted to Simona
"What?" Simona turned to her sister, Urte ram back with her camera and took a picture of Simona
"Your curves look really good right now!" Urte smiled at her, Simona faceplamed
"Yeah we will have something to show your future boyfriend" Martyna smirked
"Future boyfriend?" Donnie raised a brow
"Well yeah, Donnie, don't expect Simona to stay here forever, I mean she is human, female, pretty and smart. Her chances of getting a boyfriend are like really high" Raph steped in
"I will not have a boyfriend, and I will not  leave the lair!" Simona said
"Ye cuz you don't want Donnie to feel the way you do!" Martyna came from the side
"Where on earth did you get that?" Simona asked
"Your diary?" Martyna awensered
"OH you are so gonna get it!" Simona cashed Martyna out of the dojo, Donnie frowned
"Don't worry, man everything will be alright" Raph said
"This is ussless! It's like I have to make a choice!" Donnie was frustrated
"No, Donatello, you are doing the right thing, Simona just needs to realise it, if you keep trying your bond will never break" Sensai said and walked out

"The Purple Dragon gang agreed to raise our cut to 80%.No complaints." Dogpound said to the shredder
"It seems your mutated form has its advantages.But do not forget our primary goal: Locating Splinter and the turtles and thier sisters." Shredder stated
"If I weren't stuck in here, I would have caught Splinter by now." Xever said from beinde the glass
"But you are stuck in there." Dogpound lauhged and taped on the glass
"No, no, no, no! Stop that! Stop that! Ow! Ow! Stop it! Stop it!" Xever was mad
"I'm sure you'll have your chance to shine one of these days.Master Shredder might get hungry for sushi." Said Dogpound
"Why don't you get in the water and say that?" Xever said
"Enough, Xever! Bradford is right.You are useless to me this way." Shedder stated than turned to Bradford
"I'm counting on you.Find me information I can use, or Xever won't be the only one missing his legs."

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