Annihilation: Earth! 2

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“Bishop! No!” Mikey screamed before he turned around to a weapon firing up behind him.  He turned away before a throwing start came at the triceraton’s weapon, breaking it. Mikey looked over.
“We heard you might need some assistance.” Spilner smiled slightly.
“Splinter!” Leo shouted.
“And reinforcements. Yes!” Raph cheered as a car came flying onto one of the triceratons crashing it.
“Casey!” April fell into his arms.
“Red!” He caught her, his tone seemed more friendly than April’s. Simona clenched her staff angrily.
“Guys, um, you do realize we're still in extraordinarily horrendous trouble, right?” Donnie noted.
“So what do we do?” April asked.
“Kick their Jurassic.” Mikey said before everyone along with the mutantimlas, Mondo Geko and the Noxious Avanger ran into battle.
“Cowabunga!” Mondo shouted.

They all began fighting the tricertons. Iveta and Mari kept jumping back, both fighting one at a time.
“How are they so strong!” Mari shouted.
“Duck!” Iveta shouted as she slashed through the triceratons weapons.

“Waah!” Mikey was tossed to the other side of the field.
“Mikey!” Leo ran to help him before he two was knocked down.

“Hyah.” Simona used her staff to push herself up and kick a dino man right in the face, causing him to fumble over. She landed.
“Simona!” Casey’s voice was filled with the same worry that April had when she ran to hug Casey. What was this mess? Quickly he pushed her out of the way before she could get shot. “Are you okay?” He held her in his arms, Simona angrily pushed him away.
“Procet April instead!” She shouted before a blast separated them.

Urte and Raph were making quite the route, fighting together.
“Alright, let’s do this.” Raph held his hand out for Urte before he tossed her towards a dino man, whom they knocked out with force. Urte quickly destroyed his weapons with her sais before blowing a strand of hair out of her face. She had ditched the bun she had while they were at the farmhouse. Besides had she cut her hair short again.

“Goongala!” Casey shouted as he tossed one of his pucks to the dino man. It did nothing. “Maybe I need an upgrade.” He gulped and began to skate away. April noticed.
“Casey!” She quickly looked around and saw a triceraton weapon, she lifted it shooting the dino man behind Casey.
“Awesome save, Red. Thanks.” Casey skated beside her while she gave him a flirty smile.
“Cowabunga! “ Mondo skated past them towards a triceraton. “It's time for Mondo Gecko to open a can of Ugh!” He bumped into the dino man’s side. They began to stomp him. “Oh big feet. Ugh.”
“Mondo! Stay away from my pal, you alien freak!” The noxious avenger began to lift trash behind him before the triceratons shot him to pieces.
“We must stop the black-hole weapon from being triggered.” Donnie shouted.
“Slash, Leatherhead, take that machine down now.” Leo ordered. LH ran to it but was caught wrestling a triceraton.
“You destroy the weapon.” He shouted as Slash ran to the weapon hitting it.
“Not even a scratch.” He was shocked. A triceraton came behind him when Rockwell dropped another car on it.
“Great Scott.” Rockwell hed onto his temple. “More are about to beam down.” With those words, more Triceratons came down. Hitting Rockwell down and breaking his helmet.
“No! You vile, extinct-” A small triangle device was tossed by Rockwell causing him to gasp, it soon trapped him into an orange bubble. “Oh, drat.”

Slash too was soon captured in a bubble. “No! Dino-freaks!” He shouted as Captain Mozar stepped into view.
“This battle is over. You have all lost.” Suddenly Leatherhead was trapped into a bubble.
“Leatherhead!” Mikey ran to help but was grabbed by Mozar.
“Foolish little one. You are coming with me.” They beamed out.
“Mikey!” His siblings screamed.
“Michelangelo!” Sensei shouted.

Casey skated when suddenly he was trapped in one of those bubbles as well.
“Casey!” April ran to him before Raph grabbed her.
“I'll come back for you!” April whined as Raph dragged her away. Casey looked at April before he heard Slash and Rockwell speak.
“Simona what are you doing!?” Rockwell grumbled. She bent down and reached for the triangle that was controlling Casey’s bubble.
“You need to get out of there!” Slash shouted.
“I though you told me to-” Casey started in a semi-mean tone. Simona stood and looked at him angrily.
“Shut up before I-” She ducked at a laser.
“Simona!” Rockwell said firmly. “Whatever is going on between the two of you can get sorted out later! No go! Get out!”
“Simona! Get back here!” Leo shouted to her. Quickly she rushed over to Leo who grabbed her hand and began to run with her. “We got to go, Sensei.”
“Retreat. Everyone retreat!” Splinter shouted as the last of them retreated. Donnie stopped and noticed the little device on a nearby laying triceratons belt.
“Huh?” He grabbed it. “This little baby might come in hand Ow!” He was shot.
“Come here, lover boy!” Urte shouted as she ran and got him before the two escaped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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