Of Rats and Men

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"Ugh! I know they claimed.That pizza was glutenfree, but I definitely tasted gluten." Irma complained
"Thanks for hanging out with us on our date, Irma.We really needed a chaperone." Casey complained as well
"Anything I can do to help." She awensered
"Um, who said this was a date, Casey?" April smirked, Casey smirked back. A rat  squeaked by making Casey drop his bike
"What the.."
"I can't believe someone as big as you.Is afraid of a little rat." Irma said as a cat ran by
"And I can't believe that rat eas afraid of this adorable little kitty.Aw." April picked up
"I mean, rats are relatively harmless.They also share many similarities to humans, which is why they're used in scientific experiments." Irma said
"Does she ever shut up?" Casey asked
"Little kitty doesn't have any tags.We can't just leave her here." April said
"Don't look at me.I'm more of a rat person." Irma said
"Catch you later, Irma.Got to find this kitty a home." April said as she got on Casey's bike
"Sure.Ditch me again.One of these days, I'm gonna find out.Where you two are always running off to, and then I'll" something came uo behinde Irma and grabbed her.

"I don't know, Master Splinter.This doesn't seem fair." Leo said as Sensai put a blindfold in himself
"I assure you, it isn't."
Leo got his katana and atracked Sensai, but missed
"Oh, man.A swing and a miss." Urte teased
"Blind fighting is more than honing your other senses.It is about perception.And giving the illusion of control." Sensai said as Leo attacked him again "You may think you have the upper hand.In the situation, but You do not." Sensai said to Leo before fliping him over
"Ooh!" His sibblings started laughing, aside from Iveta, she was quietly watching.
"Looks like someone needs a shower." Mikey said
"How's that floor tasting, Lame-enardo?" Raph said
"Ow!" Sensai came behinde them and smacked them all
"It is not hard to sense loudmouths" just then a sharp pain went through Master Spilnter head. His eyes went red as he turned to his children "You! You will all" he gasped and grabbed his head
"Master Splinter, are you all right?" Iveta asked
"I am sorry, my children.This is...something is wrong. I must meditate.We will continue this training another time." Sensai said as they all started to walk out
"Yo, did you see that? Sensei gave me the crazy eyes..." Mikey sais as they all exited

Mikey was eating ice cream in Donnie's lab, Martyna was sewing ans Simona was helping Donnie as usual.
"Ahh, so I wonder what got into Master splin Aah! Aah! Brain freeze!" Mikey said and started splashing ice cream everywhere
"Aah! Mikey!" Simona said as she grabbed her note book and started rubing the ice cream off of it  "You're making a mess! "
"Keep your ice cream away from our experiment. We're trying to make Retromutagen." Donnie said
"Always messing up my stuff."

"Hey, guys.What's up?" April walked in
"April!" Donnie smiled " And Casey."
He frowned again
"Donatello." Casey said. Even tho she didn't realise it, Simona flushed looking at Casey.
"Your cheecks are all red." Mikey said breaking her out of her gaze
"Are they? Oh! Well um I, perhaps I'm over coming a cold." Simona fake coughed

"I came to see if you guys could look after this." Apirl held up the kitty, Mari gasped in great excitment
"Aw! Look at you!" Mikey ran up and took the cat "Coochiewoochiewoochie!" 
"Ahh Can we keep her?" Mari asked
"You know, Master Splinter is a rat." Donnie said
"But Mice and him get along!" Mari said
"Yes, sweety, but Mice has been with us since he was a kitten, and here is a wild and growm cat." Donnie said as Mari walked over to Mikey
"Yeah, what if that cat goes nuts and attacks him? She could feed off his body for months." Casey said
"You know, there is something seriously wrong with you." Donnie said, Mikey and Mari turned to see that the cat had eaten the mutageon that Mikey spilled ice cream into
"No, no, no, no, no, no! Oh what have I done? Huh?" Mikey looked up to see that the cat was now an Ice Cream cat "Everything okay, Guys?" April asked
"Yeah, yeah, it's cold I mean cool.Everything's cool.Cool like ice cream.Ice cream's cold." Mikey said and took the kitty and dragged Mari out with him
"That's just typical them." Simona crossed her arms

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