The Alien Agenda

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They guys were fighting the kraang as the foot patroled
"The turtles have been spotted in this neighborhood, so stay alert for any sign of them." Karai said as they heard

" When fight is concluded, the ones called "the turtles" are defeated by Kraang." The Kraang stated
"They're fighting robots?" Karai ask3d herself
"Whoa! This town's more interesting than I thought." Leo noticed her and imedatly switched to his cool mode
"I'll save you, Raph! " he said helping Raph, Iveta noticed Karai, and looked back at Leo
"You'll save?" Raph said
"Relax, Mikey.You're safe now." Leo said helping him
"Thanks! Wait, I was fine." Mikey was confused
"Simona carefull!" Leo said jumping to her
"Where?" She asked when Leo took out the kraang
"Donnie! Behind you!"
"The wall?" Donnie was confused
"Mari watch out" he jumped to Martyna
"For what?" She asked
"For that" Leo said slashing a kraang, Urte ntoiced Karai, she ran to Raph and pointed up
"I think I know what this is about" she whispered
"Hm." Raph awensered anigrly
"Uh, what the heck was that?" Donnie asked
"Yeah, you trying to impress us? 'Cause it totally worked." Mikey hugged Leo
"What is it, Raph?" Simona asked
"I thought I saw something.What about you, Leo? Did you see something?" Rapg asked him
"No." Leo awenserd, the tennsion between them grew, the rest moved from Raph and Leo
"Turtles first, right?" Raph asked "Turtles first."
"You feel like we're missing something?" Donnie asked
"All the time." Mikey and Martyna awensered at the same time

"Aw, the mermaid's growing legs!" Bradford laughed
"Please! Settle down.Xever, get ready to walk." Baxter said
"No, no, no.No, no, no!" Xever screamed as his new metal legs were out of control
"Fix this, or I will bite your head off." Xever was furiuos
"Baxter Stockman."
"Mr.Shredder! Uh, how long have you been standing there?" Baxter asked
"Long enough to witness your failure. My patience is wearing thin."Shreeder spoke
" Yes, sir.It's just the control mechanism is proving trickier.."
"Enough! If he is not walking soon, you won't be either.I will give you one more chance, and then I..."
" Father." Karai interupted
"We spotted the turtles fighting some guys in suits, but they were actually slimy brain squids in robot bodies!"
"Your mission is to destroy them and find Splinter.Everything else is a distraction!" Shredder stated
"Distraction? Father, don't you want to know what's going on? Robots and creatures? Splinter's disciples are turtles, mutants! Your own men got turned into hideous freaks! Don't you think we should be finding out what's going on? I mean, there's more to life than your vendetta." Karai said
"There is nothing more.Have you forgotten what Hamato Yoshi did to me? To us? Every day that Splinter lives is a stain on our honor that we must wipe clean.Stay focused on your mission, Karai."
"Yes, father." Karai said and walked out

"You knew the Foot Clan was watching us."Raph and Leo were fighting
"Not the Foot.Karai."Leo awensered
"Karai is the Foot.You knew she was watching, and all you did was show off."
"I was demonstrating how formidable we are.I knew she wasn't going to attack us."
"Of course not.She's studying our moves for next time.You don't flirt with the enemy, Leo.You take 'em down."
"No.You're wrong about her." Leo said as they spared

From behinde the door Iveta and Urte were watching
"And you belive Leo?" Urte turned to Iveta
"Of course I do, he is my B.B.B.F.F" Iveta smiled
"Make that B.B"
"Big brother?" Iveta was confused
"Ever since the whole Karai thing, little sister became unimportant, Karai replaced you ,Iveta" Urte stated
"No, no, of course she didn't"
"See that's yours and Simona's problems. One doesn't want to expect the fact that her brother wants to keep her and a girl in his life, the other can't execpt the fact that her brother wants nothing to do with her anymore" Urte looked at Iveta, who was lost in her mind
"That second one is you by the way" Urte turned back to the dojo

"She has a good side."
"Oh, yeah? Well, if that's what you're doing, why don't you go tell the others?" Raph stated
"Because they wouldn't understand"
"You really think the girls, Mikey and Donnie wouldn't understand?" Raph stoped and thought for a second
"You really think Donnie wouldn't understand?"
"Look, I know what I'm doing. You have to trust me." Leo said knocking Raph over
"Why should I?" Raph asked
"What is going on in here?" Sensai asked
"Uh, nothing important.Right, Raph?" Leo looked at Raph
"Right." Raph said as he walked out

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