The Kraang Conspiracy

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The morning was not pleasant for Iveta. After training she was back in the bathroom, vomiting. She was ashamed of herself, for lying to her family and friends. However she couldn't help it, the food wouldn't stay  inside, but neither did she actually really want it. After she finished she got up, wiped her facr and headed to the living room were her family was haning.

Martyna was so consentrated on her sewing, that she didn't even notice Mikey watching intensley. Leo was watching TV as Urte stayed by his side and Raph was cooling off  with the punching bag.

But the there was no piece inside the lab. Donnie couldn't stop asking Simona questions about their newest memeber.
"Why didn't you tell me about Casey?"  Donnie asked
"For the millionth time, Donnie, I didn't want you freaking out and besides I didn't talk to him." Simona said
"Yes, but..but still! I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other!" Donnie said, Simona walked up to him and took his hands
"And we don't, I just... I didn't want you mad at me."
"And I'm not and never will be."
"Never? Donnie, don't you believe that one day will come when you will be extremly mad at me?"
"Even if it came I'd forgive you right away. Simona, I care for you, nobody understands me more than you do." Donnie said, Simona frowned.
"Simona, if the frown is about April..." Donnie sighed when he realised it was "When you'll meet somebody, I won't be anrgy, worried or upset. I know no guy will ever be able to take you away from me, your my sister."
Simona still stood silent "You'll understand someday." Donnie said before kissing her cheeck and heading out to the living room. Simona watched as the doors slowly closed.
"Why can't you just suck it up!" Simona said out loud to herself "How selfish can you be!"
"You are not selfish." The voice Simona loved dearly finally came again
"You are closer to understanding Donatello then you think." She smiled
"But how...I still don't understand how such a sweet guy can fall for such a... such a brat like her." Simona said sadly
"Um, perhaps a little too harsh?" Cadance walked closer to her
"Your right, I'm sorry..."
"Simona, undersranding you brother's feelings may seem impossible, but you are already just as cought up as Donnie in your feelings. You just haven't had the time to realise it." Cadance smiled, with the blink of an eye she dissapeared. Despite just being guided, Simona was very confused.

Later that nighy they were out patroling along with April

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!" Mikey ran
"Yeah! Let's do this!" Raph ran after him
"I never understood how How turtles could Could be so.So fast." April bearly caught up to them
"Come on, April.This is just the warm-up." Leo said
"The warm-up? For two hours?" April was shocked
"That's what ninjas do.Training sometimes lasts four, five hours at a time.Awesome, right?" Leo said
"Yeah." Mari smiled
"Are you kidding me? I'm gonna puke.What about a real mission?" April asked
"It took 15 years of training before Master Splinter let us go on a "real mission." You got a long way to go, sister." Raph said
"Not that long.A decade or two will fly by like that." Donnie said
"For a turtle." April rolled her eyes
"Maybe we should take her on more missions, Leo." Donnie turned around to Leo
"It makes sense." Urte shruged
"Yeah! The best training she could have is hanging with the ninjas." Mikey said
"Uh-uh.No way.It's too dangerous.What if something happens to her?" Leo said, April grabbed onto her head
"My head.Guys, I think there's someone watching us Right over there." April pointed
"Get him!" Leo pointed at the guy

"Grappling hooks!" Leo ordered
"Aw, yeah!" Mikey was exaited about the chase
"Stupid grappling hook." It wouldn't work for April "Maybe I should just take the stairs."
"April, use my rope!" Donnie helped her
" "April, use my rope." She's already slowing us down, Donnie." Raph commented, Simona saw but didn't  bother saying anything. Donnie wanted to catch April in his arms but she just jumped right past him.

"This way. Let's move, people." Leo ordered. They saw him sneak into an apartment through a window
"It's quiet.Too quiet." Donnie said before they snuck in after the guy. They walked around thr apartment seeing pictures of themselves anf other mutants
"It's us." Mikey said
"Not just us.Photos of mutants and Kraang." Donnie said
"Lots and lots of Kraang." Simona added
"So what's with all the creep-tastic pictures?" Urte asked, then Raph noticed the guy hiding behinde the door
"Well, I guess we've seen enough here, guys.Let's get out of here." He pretended
"Whoa!" The guy was shcoked when Raph grabbed him "Don't hurt me.I'm a friend."
""Stalker's" more like it." Raph said letting go of him
"After all these months, finally face-to-face with the talking ninja turtles, the little ninjas that fight beside them and April o'Neil herself." The guy said as he walked twards April
"You better start talking, pal.What's with the photos? Who are you?" Leo pushed him away
"The name's Kurtzman.I was a journalist on the case of the missing scientist last year, and then I discovered something much bigger.The Kraang.The alien infiltration is long-lived.Ancient, in fact.The Kraang have been trying to use mutagen to terraform the Earth for thousands of years.But they couldn't use the mutagen in our universe without a specific chain of human DNA.They spent millennia capturing people, shaping humankind's genetic code, until finally..." Kurtzmam held up a photo
"That's me." April was shocked
"Your mother was taken by the Kraang before you were born.Then, she was experimented on."
"My mom?" April was shocked
"That's why you're so special, April.Your DNA can perfect the mutagen in this dimension."
"Wow." Donnie was surprised
"I.I think I need to sit down." April said backing up.
The door flew open as kraang ran in
"They found me.I don't know how, but they found me." Kurtzman freaked
"Kraang, the human known as "Kurtzman" has allied himself with the ones called "the turtles," who are turtles.Observe, Kraang.Disintegrate first.Capture for interrogation later." Kraang said as they started fightung. A kraang would have hurt April if it wasn't for Donnie
"I'll protect you, April." He smilef
"Protect yourself." April said as she walked to the side
"Well miss "I'm so special" if" Simona was shut up by Urte before she could continiue
"Calm down."

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