The Manhattan Project

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"Karai, Shredder didn't authorize your little operation.I think we should.." said Rahzar
"Silence! I'm in charge while my father's in Japan! If we score an ambush on the turtles, it'll make us both look good.Now quiet.Here they come." Karai said and turned back.

"Weep weep!" Mari shouted as she jumped head of her sibblings. Leo cought up to her and grabbed her making her stop
"Aww Leo.." he covered her mouth and looked around
"Shh"  he then turned to his other sibbings
"Hold up, ninjas! I have a feeling we're not alone here."
"You're right, Leo.We have a potential spy." Mikey looked at a squirrl casual eating a peanut
"Shh." Simona looked at him
"I thought I heard..." Donnie started "Foot! Attack!" Karai ordered. They all started fighting

"Get off of me, rahzar!" Mikey shouted, Donnie came and pushed him off
"Look out!" Iveta ran and pushed them to the side in order to protect them from the throwing stars
"Nicely done, Iveta!" D smiled at her

"How are you holding up, Hermosa?" Xever kicked Urte down but cought her
"Better now, because you aren't in my life!" She kicked him and jumoed back
"Mi bebé, why so harsh?" He smirked at her
"Why so needy?"
"You know I'll have you."
"Or you won't." Urte smirked as she was suddenly grabbed
"Simona, Mari." Raph said as they atracked fish face
"What the heck was that?" Urte asked
"Stop flirting with the enemy!" He grumbled her
"I was not!" She shouted back
"Was too!"
"Was not!"
"Was.." Raph was cut off
"Okay you two enough!" Leo said, then Karai jumped in front of them
"Let's take her down once and for all." Raph said as they started fignting, but the foot bots distracted Raph and Urte.

"Karai, listen There's something you should know.It's about your father." Leo said, but Karai pushed him
"Ugh! Your real father! Ah! Your real name is Miwa!"
"I'm not interested in anything but you begging for your life.Whoa." she attacked but sudenly the earth started shaking
"Wahhh! Earthquake!" Mikey shouted
"In New York?" Said Rahzar
"Ahh!" Simona triped, but Donnie caught her
"Karai, look out!" Leo said as he pushed her off, so the water tank wouldn't fall on her, however he wans't able to escape it.
"Leo!" Iveta shouted and ran to the rubble

"Leo!" Iveta ran to the rubble and started digging
"Keep digging!" Raph ordered  as the rest of them came to help. They got him out.
"Leo?" Simona looked at him
"Ugh! I think my shell got knocked loose." Leo said getting up
"Are you okay?" Iveta asked
"I'm fine.What was that?" Leo asked
"Some kind of localized quake.But what caused it?" Donnie looked at his sibblings
"Oh, no, she's gone! I could've changed everything.Now it's too late." Leo frowned looking at the streets
"We should head back to the lair." Raph said, Iveta looked at her sibblings and back at Leo.
"We'll catch up." She said as they ran off. She walked up to Leo.

"It isn't too late." She said, Leo scoffed
"You don't have to believe me, Leo, but deep down you and I both know Karai will come around."
"I hope you're right." Leo said "Come on, let's go."
"Actually I was going to hang around for a bit." Iveta said, Leo looked at her confused
"Iveta, we have just been attacked by the foot, everyday it gets less safer, I'm not letting you.."
"There will come a time when it will be deadly to go out... please, let me enjoy the night sky while I can." She frowned, Leo let out a deep sigh
"Fine, but if anything..."
"Call you on the T-phone. I know." She smiled. Leo noded and went in the other's direction. Iveta sighed and went the most dangeruos direction she could. Shredder's lair.

"Scientists are calling them "microquakes," but they shake so hard, this reporter's hair was badly messed up! No need for concern I'm being treated by my stylist." The reporter spoke
"Dude! His poor hair!" Mikey said
"Earthquakes in Manhattan? Something is definitely up." Raph said

"We've been graphing the earthquake epicenters.They're happening in a pattern that's not at all random." Donnie said
"Is that awesome or awesome bad?" Mikey asked
"Awesome bad, Mikey.I got weird energy readings under the epicenter.I think some kind of tech is causing the quakes." Donnie said
"Huh.Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Raph said, then noticed Mikey thinking of randon things and then smacked him
"Mikey, who has that kind of technology?" Raph asked
"Hmm.Ahh!" Mikey still thought wrong and got smacked again.

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