New Friend, Old Enemy

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Disclaimer (2022/04/24)

Hello, everyone. This is the author updating a few things.

Also fair warning this disclaimer gives a lot of spoilers, so I do apologize, but it is needed for many people.

As you know, a lot of things have changed in today's world and many times people are upset by certain things.

In the further upcoming chapters, Martyna and Urte do in a way get with Xever and Bradford (romantically)

Now this basically spoils the entire story to most, so thank you to the person who commented on this.

While yes, it appears that currently a 13 year old is dating a 20 something year old, it isn't exactly the case.

(Now huge spoiler in the girls story)
Mari and Urte are both 1000+ old.  This also goes for Simona and Iveta.

So in any upcoming chapters, if the girls interact with men older than them, they aren't older. The girls are. (And I do start droping hints at the fact later on)

This is something I really wanted to do as a suprise to everyone around them. There is a reason for such ages and a reason why I wanted to leave it to the end.

But low and behold I knew I had to address this when someone finally made a comment on this.

While I could've just ignored it, I'm not that type of person.

However, as most my friends would say "wtf? Martyna? This is fiction, why are we even discussing this????"

So idk, what your opinions are.

All I wanted to say was
1. I do think this is just fiction and I don't really think what ppl write on the internet should be taken seriuosly.

2. They aren't 13 year olds. It pains me to spoil such a big part of their story, but I knew it had to be done.

But if you still think that it is wrong, is weird or you just can't brush past the thought. Than please, leave and don't read. Nobody is forcing you.

So thank you for reading, if you decided to stay. Then I look forward to seeing you in futute chapters!


It all started with a brave solider fighting other soilders in what looked like a training room. He was better than them all. After he finished, the doors opend. And there stood a man... he was diffrent from the others. He felt dark
"Master Shredder" the solider knelt down
"I trust that my greatest pupil has been using that time wisely" Shredder said
"I have assembled an army of ninjas.The Foot Clan awaits your orders"
"Excellent. Because I've discovered an old enemy in New York Hamato Yosh"
"Hamato Yoshi? Alive?" The soilder was shocked
"And he is training ninjas of his own. Finally, I will finish what I started all those years ago. I want them all wiped out"
"I will not fail you, master"
"I know. But to be certain, you will work alongside Xever" Xever twisted his blades
"I don't need any help! Especially from this street rat" The soilder stated "Are you sure, rich boy?" Xever smirked
"Anytime you want to test me"
"I am not interested in your petty rivalry! Xever is familiar with the dark underbelly of this city.You will work together." Shredder interupted
"Don't worry, master Shredder.We will find Splinter and his disciples and destroy them!"
"Hah!" Xever laughed

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