Serpent Hunt

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"Have been months since aliens invasions. There must be way out of city!" Ivan Storenko grunted
"Why not use one of your fancy tanks to get us out, big S?" Anton looked at him.
"How many times I must tells you! Show models only! I get them big discount!" Ivan groaned. Anton looked over to find a can on the ground only to discover that it is empty. He groaned.
"I'm starving! All our food is gone, and we're down to moldy ketchup and dead cockroaches!" Anton explained as he held up a cockroach and poured some ketchup on it. Suddenly Ivan grabbed it from him.
"Secret headquarters mine. Moldy ketchup cockroaches mine!" He said and ate the cockroach.
"Oh, snap, Steranko. That's cold-blooded! We gotta get outta this city, dog! We gotta get outta this city!" Anton shrieked.
"Hmm..." Ivan thought for a moment.

The two of them went outside to look around the city. As expected it was infested with kraang droids. The two of them hid in the shadows. Ivan sighed.
"No way out, comrade Zeck. When henchmen try to make out of city, they all gets mutate! Ivan Steranko never turn into freak!"
"But how are we gonna make it past a million alien robots? My invisibility field is totally jacked! I'm jacked!" Anton gasped as Kraang spaceship flew by, Ivan quickly pulled them out of harms way.
"Is dangerous...But Shredder only one who can get us out of city. We make deal."
"That's brilliant, baby Ivan! Brilliant!" Anton cheered. "But what have we got that Shredder wants?" "Right here." Storenko lifted up a photo. "We find his daughter, Karai. She was mutate by same stuff that make turtle freaks. Shredder has look for her ever since."
"So you're sayin' we can use her as a bargaining chip with Shredder to get out of the city?"
"Da. Oroku Saki will have no choice." Ivan said as the two of them laughed evily.

"Looking good guys. Pretty soon this place will feel like a real temporary home!" April set aside a sleeping bag as she spoke to the girls and Mikey.
"We just need a few more decorations." Mikey caused everyone to turn to him, he had hung up some of his drawings he had made of his brothers. "What do you think?" Mikey had his arms crossed.
"Yeah I think it looks great." April smiled softly as Urte and Simona snickered behind her.
"My personal fav is Donnie picking his nose." Urte laughed.
"I drew one of you!" Mari handed Mikey a drawing.
"Aww, thanks sis!" Mikey grabbed her into a hug. Iveta smiled at them as she sat down on the couch, she felt an upcoming headache. As she put a hand to her head she noticed something off about Spilnter, softly she called out to him. "You okay Sensei?"
"Hm? Forgive me. My thoughts are Elsewhere, Iveta." He stopped sweeping and peeked outside. "It is very dangerous out there. Casey and your brothers have been gone for a long time." Iveta frowned slightly at her father's sad mood, but she quickly placed her hand back on her temple. She definetly had an upcoming headache.

"How's the new lab setup?" April spoke as she and Simona walked into the room Donnie was in.
"Ehh, kinda makeshift. I'm brewing a batch of retro-mutagen I started back at the farmhouse... Takes forever." He groaned.
"And then we can mutate my dad back? Um, hopefully for good this time?" April wondered.
"Well, that's the plan. And everyone else who got mutated, including Karai." Donnie lifted his gaze and saw the rest of his sisters, Mikey and Splinter standing in the room.
"Karai..." Splinter frowned.

Suddenly a few grunts were heard from the large hole a the end of the room. Up came Raph, Leo and Casey.
"Oh, yeah!" Casey cheered.
"This is amazing!" Leo said as the three of them came back up.
"I got one word for you." Raph looked at everyone. "Score!"
"You did it? You managed to sneak back into the lair?" April looked excitedly.
"Yo, Don, check it out! Got you some sweet chemicals!" Casey tossed a box to Don as he walked by towards the girls and Mikey.
"Oh, wow, awesome!" Donnie smiled widley.
"And even though the Kraang were mad-dogging us the whole time, we didn't forget Mikey's big request." Casey set the box down and pushed it towards Mikey. He quickly opened it and gasped.
"Tee-veeeee! Now we can watch Crognard again! Aw, yeah!" Mikey cheered and danced around. April and Donnie sighed.

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