The Noxious Avenger

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It was another day and Bebop and Rocksteady were on their to break into a kraang lab. Bebop opened the door.
"Careful, Comrade Bebop. When Kraang abandon lab, they may have left the boobish trap." Rocksteady exclaimed.
"That's "booby trap," G." Zeck turned to look inside the lab. Just as exprected the kraang did leave traps. A small laster shot out. Rocksteady shelded Bebop with his body and threw his blade in order to break the laser.
"Man! We should be runnin' the Foot, and instead Shredder stuck us with Stock-man's grocery list." Bebop argued.
"Is not grocery list. Is chemicals to make ultimate mind control serum for snake girl Karai. Hmm, Reagent-X, ten gallons maple syrup, Wait, it is grocery list! Da, you are right. We should be one to gives order, not take." Rocksteady growled.

Outside an innocent man was collecting the trash. "It's a thankless job, I'll tell ya that. I like keeping my city clean. Beats working in the sewers, though. Too many freaky mutants down there." He said as he saw shadows passing by, causing him to look upwards. "Huh? Whoa, speak of the devil."

"Boom! Reagent-X, Steranko." Bebop said as he cracked open a safe. "Oh, snap. Mutagen, son."
"Quiet. Something in alley." Ivan said and walked ot the window. "Oh, is only garbage man-" His sentence was cut off by Leonardo kicking him in the face.
"What the what? How'd you find us? Hoo, hoo!" Bebop shot his hip lasers at them,
"By staking out Shredder's lair for 15 hours straight without so much as a bathroom break!" Donnie explained.
"That, and you're driving a van with a Bebop and Rocksteady sign on it." Mikey said as they started fighting.

"What in the..." The garbage man looked up as he noticed laser bullets coming form out an apartment.

"Eat mutagen!" Bebop threw a cansier at Mikey, he ducked.
"Not the face!"

The can flung outside, falling right onto the garbage man who ws climbing up the fire escape to see what was going on. The canister fell onto his face. He screamed in pain as he fell down straight into the dumbster.

"He-hee, ho-hoo!" Bebop shouted as Mikey jumped onto him.
"Booyaka-" He was smacked into Don.
"We're getting our shells waxed." Donnie groaned.
"What brings you two morons here anyway? Dexter Flyface's grocery list?" Raph asked Rocksteady as he was fighting him.
"Is not grocery list." He yelled at Raph and tured to Bebop. "Run. We cannot return to Shredder with the empty hand."
"That's my cue to bounce." Bebop said and turned invisible before hitting Leo and escaping out the window. "I'm outie 5000."

Rocksteady growled and charged at Don, Raph and Mike.
"Look out!" Donnie shouted before Rocksteady had then knocked on the floor cold as he barged right through the door.
"Oh, Raph, never mock giant rhino man 'Kay? Thanks." Mikey said as they all laid on the floor in pain.

Outside, the garbage man now a trash mutant crawled from the dumpster. He looked up and watched the turtles escape. "Turtle men?" He growled. Now he was a giant trash mutant.

Back at the lair, Raph was taking his anger out on the punching bag. Leo was holding an ice pack to Mikey's head, while Iveta sat beside them.
"And then what?" Urte was still listening to Leo tell them about the day, as she and her sisters did not go on the mission.
"Then we escaped..." Leo said calmly.
"According to the lab's records, two things are missing: Mutagen." Donnie walked out.
"Which they threw at my head." Mikey ranted.
"Which they threw at Mikey's head, and Reagent-X, an ingredient needed to make a mind control serum." Don explained.
"So what's the game plan?" Raph asked.
"Reagent-X still needs an additional chemical solvent in order to work." Don added. Leo handed the ice pack over to Iv and stood up.
"Let's just hope Bebop and Rocksteady haven't found all the components yet."

The trashman was roaming the streets, he crawled to an old mirror. After seeing his reflection he inspected himself, before screamin loudly. The screams caused a tornado to form around him, picking up the trash that was on that allie way, Once he calmed down a little, the tornado stopped.
"I'm I'm out here trying to make an honest living, and those turtle men turn me into a freak." Suddenly his eyeball popped out.
"Ah-ha! Look at what you did. Hey, you're not a freak. You've got superpowers." He pointed ou the trash tornado.
"Ah, what do you know? You're just an eyeball." The man argued.
"I'm not just any eyeball. I'm your eyeball. You can call me Joe. Think of me as your higher self." Joe explained.
"Higher self? I got enough people lookin' down on me. I don't need Joe Eyeball lookin' down too."

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