Buried Secrets

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"Everyone ready?" April asked.
"Casey Jones was born ready."
"Let's do this." Raph spoke before all 10 people split off in different directions in order to begin cleaning the farmhouse.
Raph and Mikey headed to dust off the rooms. Iveta and Urte were tackling the kitchen and Mari was taking off the blinds in order to wash them.
"Window cleaner on Window cleaner off. Window cleaner on, window cleaner off.Window cleaner on, window cleaner off." Leo repeated to himself as he cleaned the window off.

April headed upstairs with a bucket of water. Donnie noticed her and proceed to do a trick with the water bucket and broom which he was moping the floor with. "Wooh! Wa-ha! Hey, check me out, April."He smiled at her, but she ignored him as the bucked fell to the floor. Simona slightly cringed at her brother, but she felt bad for him. Yet she focused on her task at hand and headed after April into the bathroom as she had promised to bring her the cleaner she needed.

"Looking good, Red. Keep up all the hard work." Casey clicked his tongue as April turned to him, he was laying in the bathtub.
"Real funny, Jones. Now stop slacking off and help out." April said as she threw the sponge at Casey's face. He took it off and smiled at her.
"Anything for you, "mon cherry."" He winked at her. Simona stood in the doorway staring at him, completely appalled. How could he, it's only been one day!
"It's "mon cherie"." Donnie poked his head in and walked past Simona. "I can help you, April." he said as Casey had one leg up on the bath. Before he knew it, Donnie tripped him, causing him to fall out of the bathtub, and kicked him.

Quickly Simona moved out of the way as Casey went flying towards Mikey who was balancing on a chair and cleaning the window.
"Uh! Uh-huh.P ut your dust rag on it.Whoo!" Mikey went flying downstairs. "D'oh! Yah! Aah! Whoa!"
"You gotta be kid Whoa!" Raph spoke before Mikey fell into him, causing him to fall against a wall with the bucket landing on his head.
"Oh, Mikey, I just vacuumed!" Leo frowned as he walked towards them.
"Yeah? Well, I'm about to mop the floor with him." Raph stood up throwing the bucket off of his head.

Mikey looked down at the carpet he had messed up and stood up as well. "Whoa, guys. Check it out!"
"A trap door? I didn't even know we had a basement." April said as she looked at everyone.
"What do you suppose is down there?" Leo asked. Mikey thought for a moment.
"Evil clown. Evil clown!" He shouted as he jumped behind Raph.
"Only one way to find out." Raph said and lifted the door up.
"Uh, who's going first?" Urte raised a brow.
"Not it!" Everyone shouted but Leo. He quickly looked at everyone and awed sadly.

Carefully Leo made his way down to the basement first, his brothers right behind him, then April, Casey, and the girls. Once they were down there they all looked around and gasped. "The Kraang!" Raph said as his flashlight landed on a Krang spaceship.

"Whoa." Mikey and Mari said in unison.
"It's impossible." Raph spoke.
"It can't be." Simona mumbled.
"It's a Kraang stealth ship." Donnie finished.
"Wicked!" Casey smiled.
But how how did they find us?" April worried.
"I don't think they did." Donnie walked towards the ship and inspected it "This ship looks like it's been buried here for years."
"What the heck is a Kraang ship doing underneath my house?" April asked. As the ship powered up and opened.
"Only one way to find out. Come on." Leo said as he walked into the ship with everyone following him close behind.

They walked inside examining the place. It was dark and the only source was Raph's flashlight. Raph turned around towards a vat. "Guys look!"
"Is that a person in there?" Casey asked.
"Okay, don't touch anything." Donnie warned as he bend down closer to the vat. "I repeat: Do not touch anything!" He turned to Mikey who accidentally bumped into the control panel, causing the space ship to boot up and the vat to open.
"Mikey!" Everyone shouted in unison.
"Ooh! Oops. I promise not to touch anything starting now." Mikey smiled.

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