Invasion of the Squirrelanoids

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Urte walked in to the kitchen where her sibblings were. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Simona was making her and D coffie, while her eyes were stuck on the pages of her book, Donnie was focused on his computer.
Leo was helping Mikey with the breakfast. Iveta was drawing with her back facing Raph, he was feeding Spike. Urte went and sat down in between them. 
"Good morning" Urte smiled at Spike, Raph smiled at her.
Leo turned from the tea to Mari
"Jezz, what did you do to your hair this time?"
"Huh?" Mari lifted her sleepy head from the table
"Go get a hairbrush" Leo giggled, Mari got up and went out to grab a brush.
Simona put down the cups of coffie and sat down next to Donnie with her book
"Thanks..." he said tiredly, Simona noded and turned back to her book.
Leo put down one cup of tea in Mari's seat the other he put down next to Iveta and looked at what she was drawing. Leo frowned when he saw the girl in the drawing crying. Martyna came back and sat down, Leo walked over to her, she handed him the brush. He started brushing her hair. Mari closed her eyes and enjoyed not having to do her hair for one more morning.

Moments later Mikey started plating the food and Leo started handing the food out. When Leo finally handed it to Iveta, he took a few minutes to stand by her and wait for her to start eating, she pretended not noticing the food, pretending not to see it.

"Iveta?" Leo awoke her
"Yes?" She looked up at him, all eyes where on them
"Your food?" He looked at it
"Oh!" She contiued pretending "Thank you!"
"Aren't you going to eat?" Leo raised a brow
"Um" Iveta looked at the food, she knew she couldn't come up with any excuse, so she reached out for the plate and took it "Of course" She smiled at Leo. He took a seat eyeing her, making sure she'd eat, she did.

Later that morning, before training Raph walked by the bathroom as he heard some odd noises

Without stoping, it just kept coming out, Iveta gripped on to her stomach, her eyes sweled up with tears as she vomited out her breakfast.

A knock was heard on the other side of the door.

"Yes?" Iveta tried stoping her vomit for a moment
"You okay in there?" Raph's voice was coming  from the other side of the door
"I'm...." vomit "Fine..."

Raph didn't buy into it it, maybe him and Iveta were not close, but he still wanted to make sure she was okay. He opened the door and walked in. Iveta's gaze didn't move, her vomiting kept getting worse. Raph closed the door and knelled next to her. He didn't touch her, but looked at her carefully.

He stayed with her for a few mintues, her vomiting stoped.

"And Mikey thinks he's a top cheif" Raph said, Iveta didn't look up at him "Do not tell anyone about this"
Raph didn't expect her saying so, but after all, he wasn't supposed to care. He shruged and got up "Alright, clean yourslef up" Raph looked at the bathroom clock "Training in 7 minutes"
He walked out and closed the door.

Iveta was left with her thoughts, after a second she stood up and cleaned her self up.

She manged to pull hersled together for the rest of the day.

In the evening.

"Take a right No, left! Left!" Donnie shouted as Leo drove
"Um, Donnie, maybe you can tell me before we pass the street."
"I'm sorry, Leo.There's still so many mutagen canisters out there, my tracker is having trouble zeroing in on a single reading.Oh, turn right!"

Leo made a quick turn  as they all screamed
"Whoa, I think I just got shell-lash!" Raph said
"One wrong turn and I think we'll tip over" Said Simona as she looked around
Mikey screamed loudly as they all turned to him
"Hey, Mikey.You want to stop reading your comics and pay attention to the mission?" Leo asked, Mikey didn't respond, Raph walked over to him and grabbed the comic out of his hands
"Hey! That comic's in mint ah! Near mint condition.Don't mess it up." Mikey said
"Great.Another horror story.Guess who's gonna be up all night again?" Raph put his hands on his hips
"What? No.I was up all night 'cause I was polishing my grappling hook!" Mikey smiled awkwardly
"Right.Seriously, Mikey, what are those horror comics good for other than freaking you out" Raph crossed his arms
"Yes and I'd appracite if you didn't give them to Mari" Leo said
"What do you mean?" Mikey asked
"Guess who slept in my room, in bed with me so the aliens wouldn't get her" Leo said, Mikey turned to Mari who smiled awkwadrly
"Oh come on, horror stories aren't that bad" Simona smiled
"Oh really?" Raph turned to her
"Yes! I have read many horror novels! Besides you can always check if it's fiction or not" Simona smiled, Donnie smiled at her
"Tell that to the M sqaud" Urte rolled her eyes
"Mikey and Martyna sqaud?" Mari asked
Urte shook her head "No, the moron sqaud"
Raph chuckled at her comment, Donnie's device beeped
"Got one! Stop here!"

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